Yeah, I've always considered the rep or Ireland accent to be generally softer. Like in Britain though Irish accents differ from county to county, I'm sure those that say they like the Irish accent would rethink if the heard the sounds that come out of many Derry mouths these days, it's an awful accent. (I do realise that not all Derry accents are awful). It's really hard to say because really you can get very strong and harsh versions of every accent and very soft and aubtle versions of every accent. I like many welsh accents for instance but when they start flemming and hjacking on their words I can't stand it! Equally within England, I like some London accents but others are apalling. Same with Manchester...everywhere.
Anyway! My likes would be the geordie accent and I like the way English is spoken by people that don't actually have an accent. Not poshly, like a plummy aristocrat, but neutrally, like Bill Nighy say.
Dislike, has to be thick Gloucester accent and thinck Brummie accent.