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what would you do and how?

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bartholomew | 08:08 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | Society & Culture
3 Answers
Hi guys
I was wondering if you could help me.

I am about to speak to a customer who has a concern about the place I work in.
What would you say to him apart from thanking him for giving you this info?

what would a professional like yourself do and how would you do it?

Many thanks



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It would depend upon what the concern is about - serious or flippant.
But the most proper thing to do would be to thank them, and say that you'll pass on the customer's concern to management, and take their name and address/phone number so that management can deal with them directly over the problem..
Listen to everything they say especially if they're ranting, they'll wear themselves out eventually, do not offer an apology or acknoledge responsibility until you've ascertained responsibility, be sympathetic but firm, thank them for bringing it your attention, tell them a realistic date/time they can expect an update from you and stick to it.
Well as heathfield has said, it really depends what the concern is. Is about the place of work, or the activities and ethics of the company, or just the people?

If your office has a QA system then there will be a customer complaints procedure, so whilst acknowledging the �concern� don�t get too bogged down in the finite details as the customer might assume you are taking the responsibility on board. Offer them a copy of your complaints form (or whatever it is) to fill in and advise that you will be formally advising your manager of the complaint. Then just take contact details and pass the buck!

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