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Gay Marriage

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ll_billym | 03:38 Sun 11th Mar 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
127 Answers
How pathetic are the church? They tried to pull The Bible out and now they are referring to a dictionary.

Why can't they just admit that they are scared that this will diminish their already waning power? The church does not own the word 'marriage', the taxpayer owns this word and most taxpayers rightly do not care a jot about who gets 'married', let alone whether they are the same sex or not.

The only reason I care is that to my mind it is another nail in the coffin of religion. All thoughts welcome!


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This issue raises some interesting legal questions, not so much on the issue of marriage, but on divorce. I don't how long it takes to dissolve a civil partnership but it takes two years minimum to dissolve a marriage, except in the case of adultery. Let us take three people, A,B and C (all male). If A and B get married and then B has sex with C, will A be able to sue for divorce on the grounds of adultery?
Oh and I can't see why everybody can't have the same rights regardless of gender, creed or colour.

There should be one simple ceremony a 'marriage ceremony' in a civil wedding surely. Civil partnership sounds cold and their is no need for it.
Why is it called adultery when it is actually pretty juvenile??

mike11111 - Once the right for gay people to marry is enshrined in statute law, then the rights and responsibilities of entering into and getting out of a marriage will be the same for all.

That is what true equality is all about.
the taxpayer owns marriage?

That's a new argument on me. It should stop those on benefits from marrying and mulitplying, I suppose.
Unfortunately marriage is not a pre-requisite for multiplication!
Its not about marriage but financial loss or gain.
I am old fashioned and believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I have no problems with same sex civil partnerships.
And why shouldn't *that* also be a consideration, keyplus?
LL, >>Marriage was important to me because I wanted to express my commitment and love for the person I married and wanted them to be my life partner.<<

I also want to express my commitment and love for the person I wish to spend the rest of my life with, I certainly dont need to be signing any paper work or legal documents to do that, to me that is all a marriage is about. I can show my commitment to my partner without that. We will be getting married shortly but more to keep things tidy but it is just a legal process that means little. the important part is our commitment to each other, no legal or religious ceremony can change that in any way.

I understand that people see these things very differently, I think if the process of marriage is important to you than go for it, I love to attend a good wedding and I don't knock it, its just my view and my views are often different to others, I would love to see my children married :))
Surely no sane gay couple would want to get married in a catholic church, religious or not.

Given the scandals that have hit and are still hitting the church, I would of thought, that an archaic attempt to control a nation should be seen for what it is.

Its about time society looked at the role of the Catholic church on a 21st century society.
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How to win friends and influence people!

Excellent presentation by Stephen Fry.
matty is just a little bitter and twisted, aren't you, matty? ;o)
They also think 19mth old naughty children should be shot

(oh and they thought in the Falklands... I assume this means they were a philosopher in the Falklands and not just illiterate.)
Matty, is still obviously still in a growing stage, bless him!
I think you'll find that 'matty' is more than old enough to know better.......LoL
Speaking as a lapsed Catholic.(that is what they call you if you leave),
I have reached the conclusion that the church does not sanction Gays...however, it's prepared to pardon paedophiles. No doubt that opinion warrants the old Bell, Book and Candle for me now.
exchange in the pub this lunchtime:-
A: marriage should be for those who want to produce children in the time-honoured way that God intended.
B: if that were true, A, then why did He cause or permit man to invent pyrex?
Don't get it. Do you not mean Durex?

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