More nonsense parroted by the faithful - once again, in the absence of evidence.
For your OP to have any relevance at all, you would first have to show;
1. That a god existed, using real world evidence, not the circular and redundant logic of referring to a book that is chock full of myth, legend and fairytales. And you cannot.
2. That these are the "last days" - again, real world evidence, not more circular logic and reasoning from a book of myth and legend. And you cannot.
And then we get evidence of special pleading from the fundamentalists - "Please do not mock our god". This is an age and culture of free speech, regardless of the continuing, often violent attempts by the religious to ban or curtail it. Tough. Whilst you continue to peddle myth as fact, I will do what I can to show such myth for what it is.
And then we get the worst of it. These fundamentalists love the idea of a mythical judgement day. Listen to the yearning for such an event in their writings - one could be forgiven for thinking that judgement day is the equivalent of an intellectual orgasm for them. "Rapture me baby" :)
Circular reasoning. Rejection of fact and real world evidence. An obstinate belief in the inerrancy of the bible.Thats all thats on offer from these preachers of the apocalypse.
It does not even bear thinking about, that such people could be given anything resembling responsibility for the stewardship of life on earth....