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Who Really Have the Truth?

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goodlife | 08:04 Thu 20th Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
82 Answers
Would God use more than one organization to dispense his truths in these “last days”? Has God ever used more than one during any other period of judgment?


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If by chance there is life after death, I am of the opinion that a sincere non-believer is more likely to enter the supposed 'Kingdom of Heaven' than those who pretend to believe in the hope of obtaining the necessary passport.

When we were granted free will that gracious gift sadly included the freedom to err.
I know that austere Catholicism is the true way but still believe that there will be room at God's table for followers of lesser faiths.
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Well before a court of law it is certainly proper to defend yourself and offer evidence to refute lies that have been told. They should not be allowed to stand in the record against you. The apostle Paul offered his defense when before the rulers. The case of Jesus was different. He was before a mob and before wicked men who had no conception of justice. the same today. Offering a lengthy argument would have done no good. Furthermore, in his case he knew his time had come to give his life When the wicked bring their false witnesses against a person , but yet we should keep control of our faculties and not at any time try to retaliate with lies. We continue to observe God’s law and follow his righteous principles and tell the truth. The responsibility is upon the wicked for what they do.(Ps. 119:69, 70)
Goodlife, you aren't a Jehovah's Witness by any chance, are you? Please tell, it will save an awful lot of time.
Goodlife that's a very interesting question . Who in your opinion is the "one" ?
Would it be Catholic or Orthodox or Protestant ? Would it be Judaism ? Would it be Islam ?
I believe in God but I choose not to follow a religion . The religions all have their manmade political structures and I am reluctant to commit myself to any of them .
If you believe there is a chosen organization it would be interesting to know which one and why you think that .
I won't mock or challenge any answer that you give - it would just be interesting to know .
Whichever it is, I am sure it is not the one founded in the mid 19C by Charles Taze Russell, a convicted swindler who made his fortune from selling "miracle wheat" guaranteed to yield ten times the normal crop.
"We're all drinking in the Last Chance Saloon. The barman's called last orders and the drinking up time we're in now could well be the end of days"

One more hair shirt will do you then Sandy? ;-)
Goodlife, I'm not holding my breath for an answer, but I'll ask the question anyway.

//He [Jesus] was before a mob and before wicked men who had no conception of justice. //

Who recorded his trial? His disciples ran away - and the Romans didn't keep a record - so how do you know what happened?
^^ :o)

Yes, We live in a God-dishonoring world in which teachers of false religion, as well as agnostics and atheists, mock the Creator with their speech.(John 8:44)

We have been living in a world of false religion for thousands of years. All religion is false.

I do get tired of Abraham's Minions who eagerly await their cherished Armageddon when their brand of god will destroy everyone who does not toe the party line.

Problem is they all have a different plan about who will be saved.

And they try to tell us that they are religions of peace!
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beso@ First you have to Understand Time. At 2 Peter 3:8 we are told: “One day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. So understanding of matters involving time can be a source of great encouragement to true Christians, since many of God’s purposes toward earth and man involve a time factor.

“We have been living in a world of false religion for thousands of years. All religion is false.”

When one speaks of “false” religion, it means that there is also a “true” religion, a true form of worship of man’s Creator, the Archenemy of false religion. From early after the Flood of more than four thousand three hundred years ago the true religion has been continually assaulted in order to wipe it out of existence. It is still under heavy assault, but today its assailant, false religion, is being assaulted as never before and its further prevalence over mankind will be very short. That is why the world without false religion is near and gets nearer all the time.
Goodlife, //From early after the Flood of more than four thousand three hundred years ago the true religion has been continually assaulted in order to wipe it out of existence.//

Your religion didn’t exist 4,300 years ago. It was invented in the 19th century.

Still no answers to my questions I see. Here’s another. Why is that?
You in the States, goodlife? We spell "defence" with a C over here.
naomi24 \\\ Goodlife, //From early after the Flood of more than four thousand three hundred years ago the true religion has been continually assaulted in order to wipe it out of existence.// ///

You misunderstand Naomi. The JWs were rediscovering the one true religion that lay dormant since Adam was a boy.

Just like Mohammed did. Just like Joseph Smith did. Just like David Koresh, Jimmy Jones and thousands of other mentally ill people who have somehow become revered.
Science suggest that these people and other "prophets" were experiencing epileptic seizures of the temporal lobes of the brain.

This mental illness has been connected to hyper-religious through experiments using fMRI scanning to determine the detailed regional activity of the brain.
We know what makes the messiahs tick. The big question is why so many otherwise sane people readily adopt the spiritual guidance of the mentally ill.

Abraham, the archetypal hero of Judaism, Christianity and Islam was about to murder his son when in a moment of what we would call sanity, he received infinite wisdom from a God who reveled the incredible truth that He didn't want him to do it.
Mohammed spent weeks in caves muttering to himself. Despite not actually offering any new prophecies he became known as The Prophet to so many.

Indeed the Last Prophet. Islam realised they needed one more trump card because prophets were starting to turn up at alarming rates.

All you needed to do was has a seizure, say weird stuff and the scribe would write it down for you, becoming the latest edition of God's Will. It had to stop and Mohammed hit the jackpot. THE Last Prophet. Ultimate THEism.
Beso, actually I thought of the similarity with Islam when I read Goodlife's post. They were all first.

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