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goodlife | 11:02 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
117 Answers
Some people soon realized that if I was to please God, I would need to make some changes in my lifestyle. For example, I learned from the Bible in says at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10: “Don’t you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don’t care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don’t qualify as citizens in God’s kingdom.”


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For some it works and that is all that matters.
01:10 Wed 21st Nov 2012
With *no* apologies to the original author:
<<By such intimidation and mental bullying, masses of people are herded into the religionists’ camp. They know nothing of the weaknesses and inadequacies of religious theory or its unsound speculations and hypothesized impossibilities—such as the origin of life from a big bloke in the sky. So they are swept along by the repetitious mantras recited by religion’s propagandizers. The theory becomes dogma, its preachers become arrogant, and dissenters reap disdainful abuse. The tactics work. They did in Jesus’ day; they do today. >>
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Yes, Sorry seems to be the hardest word.
Goodlife typed the following;

"Yes uneducated I like that word, believe as you do,’ they say. ‘All competent scientists believe evolution. All intelligent people believe it. Only the uneducated and the ignorant don’t believe it.’ By such intimidation and mental bullying, masses of people are herded into the evolutionists’ camp. They know nothing of the weaknesses and inadequacies of evolutionary theory or its unsound speculations and hypothesized impossibilities—such as the origin of life from inanimate chemicals."

I try to avoid explicitly calling people ignorant and stupid. However,you continually provide me with reasons to deride the views you express as ignorant or stupid.

1. The development of Life from an inorganic precursor. This is not a subject covered or explained by Evolution .Evolution makes no claim on this issue whatsoever. This is properly termed Abiogenesis.

2. If you wish to challenge a broadly consensus scientific view on the way life develops, one arrived at over centuries, with a masses of experimental and observational evidence to support it - you need to offer an alternative that has at least some measure of scientific evidence to support it, and you cannot.

You only feel intimidated by scientific facts because you refuse to change your views in the face of the evidence.This is stupid behaviour. You reject the evidence in favour of a poorly evidenced alternative reality which conforms to your religious faith.This is ignorant.

To do otherwise would be to reject the bible, a recognition that it is a book of fables and made up narratives, and that would destroy the foundation of your cult,your faith and your world.

Believers like you are like ostriches,only you bury your head in the bible rather than in the sand, in the vain hope that those dangerous truths, the real world, will go away if you cannot see it.

You continue to deny the scientific reality, and I am sorry but this is stupid behaviour, this demonstrates ignorance, this displays an arrogant rejection of the humanity, whose primary attribute is the capacity for abstract thought and built- in curiosity.

Your cult promotes superstition at the expense of rationality.

Your cult wilfully misunderstands what evolution is, preferring instead to erect a strawman of what you claim evolution is. You demonstrate an appalling ignorance of matters scientific. You fail to understand that abiogenesis has no part of evolution. This is something that has been repeatedly explained to you, but still you continue to make this claim.

It is sad but inevitable, given the ignorance and stupidity you display, that you regard facts as mental bullying.
What nonsense you talk about evolution, goodlife. There are some things that it yet cannot explain fully but there are no flaws in it; it is now an established science.

And it has nothing to do with the origins of life. It concerns itself with how modern complex life evolved automatically and inevitably from those primitive beginnings.

But work is going on to find that origin of primitive life. I have no doubt that we will crack it this century.
JTH who was the original author :-)

So no sense of irony at all.
'zackly, Dave.......'zackly! :o)

It didn't change my life. When I was about 8 my father bought (I say bought ....?) me a bible for Christmas, he wasn't religious at all and it just confirmed to me what a uncaring thoughtless Snag he was
if the only reason people are good people is for fear of god - then they are not truly good people.

because its not in their heart to be good, its just that they are afraid of going to hell etc.

true goodness comes from within, and comes when the person has no alterior motive for it, when they simply desire to be good for goodness sake - not because god has made all kinds of terrifying and horrific threats of dreadful punishments if they are not good.

we all do things we dont really mean or believe or want to do because we are forced or will get some reward at the end of it - and that is what religious followers are doing.

so therefore the religious are not, by definition, truly good people - just scared people

its a bit like prisoners getting time off for good behaviour - they are only good because of fear of punishment and to get a final reward

oh the irony.
I don't want to be a citizen of your God's kingdom - and my life's just fine as it is, so I've no idea why you think I want to change it.
Goodlife, If you read the bible enough your spelling and grammar may improve. However, your understanding of the real world won't so try to have a more balanced reading list and improve both.
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//Yes uneducated//

If you believe that the existence of God is impossible to prove and have come to conclusion that he does not exist....consider this . If you had to bet with your life on whether God exists or not .which would you choose?
1. Lets say you choose he does exist and are doing his will.
If God really does exist then you win everlasting life.
If God ‘does not’ exist you lose nothing.

2. Now let’s say you choose to believe God ‘does not’ exist.
If God does not exist you will win nothing.
If God really ‘does’ exist you will lose everything.
Since you feel it cannot be proved either way, there is an equal chance that God exists or does not exist...

Now if you were to follow logic and the laws of probability the best wager is to choose the one that has the best payoff . Don’t gamble with your life-God does exist.
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That all for today folks.
///That all for today folks///

Must be someone elses turn with the crayon!

You refuse to address the refutations to previous questions you have raised, and resort to the pathetic notion of Pascals Wager instead?

Your god is that gullible that he is unable to distinguish between a genuinely held belief and someone trying to game the system?

Thats really weak logic. Why would I wish to prostrate myself and subject myself to such a weak and powerless deity?
Goodlife, //Since you feel it cannot be proved either way, there is an equal chance that God exists or does not exist... //

Your logic is flawed as is your mathematics. Since there is no evidence that God exists, the odds are stacked very highly against his existence.
So that's it goodlife? you're selling insurance?
goodlife, I am a betting man and after reading your last post, you are absolutely right a betting man would choose choice 1

I'm a convert!

My the force be with me.
Goodlife so you are not a god fearing theist your just a gambler. As has been stated, you adhere to the rules, not because you think its the way or rule of god but you are scared. Won't your god know this and punish you for it.

I much prefer to be honest, using the moral compass instilled by people as I grew up, rather than be a hypercrite.
What sort of odds would William Hill give me on there being a God?
As a believer once said to me " You may as well believe in God because its better than the alternative. "

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