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goodlife | 12:02 Tue 20th Nov 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
117 Answers
Some people soon realized that if I was to please God, I would need to make some changes in my lifestyle. For example, I learned from the Bible in says at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10: “Don’t you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don’t care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don’t qualify as citizens in God’s kingdom.”


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For some it works and that is all that matters.
02:10 Wed 21st Nov 2012
Sorry I'm a little late to this, but Goodlife it strikes me that your not only a hypocrite, but a coward.

You state something, get found out, then run away because you cannot defend it. At 14:01 20/11/12 you stated:

"Now if you were to follow logic and the laws of probability the best wager is to choose the one that has the best payoff" I have never, ever come across a true believer who used that as an argument.

Man arguments that I consider totally spurious, but never a gamble. For YOUR soul?

Who are you trying to convince?
I prefer the AV translation of the text quoted by the OP: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (homosexuals), nor thieves , nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

Tell it like it is, Goodlife: if you've ever had a bit on the side, are gay, had one too many on a Saturday night or nicked a Mars Bar from Woollies, then God does not want to know. The Kingdom of Heaven as portrayed by the JWs is a much more boring place than ever I imagined it to be. This is why you have always been, and will always be, a minority perverted sect on the fringes of Christianity.
It amazes me that so many well thought out answers are generated by the juvenile drivel of the question.
Anyway, to quote the OP's words; surely there is a difference in meaning between "use" and "abuse", the former denoting proper use, the latter improper.
Hello Goodlife. I was greatly amused by your post of '08:18 Wed 21st Nov 2012'. It's the classic example of person who has categorically lost an argument and wishes to quickly bow out of the discussion. Please indulge me while I translate for you what you really meant:

You: “Having read all comments. All can say is you have all missed the point. The comment was referring to you who do not believe !!”
Translation: “Having read some of the comments, I'm shocked at how well versed in matters of religion and logic so many of you are. It frightens me so I shall falsely claim that you've all missed the point as a get-out strategy.”

You: “I have my belief 100%, I do not need to hedge my bets.”
Translation: "Even though it was me who brought up the subject of 'hedging bets' I shall try and make it look like it was someone else's idea. I believe in my particular god unreservedly. I do this despite all material evidence to the contrary and despite all logic and reasoning.”

You: “I am not a liar,a fraudster,or a gambler, unlike a lot of you!”
Translation: “I don't know any of these people personally. Despite this and because I don't understand how atheists can know right from wrong without a belief in god, I shall maliciously call them liars, fraudsters and gamblers. That will show those pesky atheists who's boss!”

You: “You have nothing but criticsm to offer.”
Translation: “The atheists are systematically taking apart everything I say. Accordingly, I shall accuse them of being nothing but critical since I am so colossally arrogant that I know I am 100% correct in my assertions.”

You: “So I close my case.”
Translation: “I'm running away now. Bye!”

Please let me know if I've 'missed the point'.
Batexia //Having studied a lot of different religions I find that there has to be some reason as to why we are here.//

Perhaps you should study some science? Science can tell you why we are here.
batexia - why does there HAVE to be SOME REASON?

Why cant we just be LIFE? the same way cats, slugs and bacteria are - they have no deep and meaningful reason to exist - they just do and they take their place in the circle of life...

by insisting their must be 'something', you are going to look for something in anything ... and will grab onto the first thing that 'answers' you...

that does not make it so.
also aside from that... what reason does religion actually give you as an answer to that?
that our 'purpose' is to live, worship a deity, then die and go to heaven?
what purpose is that? what function in the world does that have?
why is that a purpose?
why not just not exist at all if thats all it is?
Hi there FredPuli43

You do realise the Ten Commandements tell us not to kill don't you?
@Olly - I would not presume to speak for Fred, but I am puzzled by your last post - one of the biblical commandments is "thou shalt not kill."

What point are you trying to make?.At the moment your contribution seems cryptic and unclear....
I can't see a post from Fred here. Perhaps Olly's posted on the wrong thread.

Fred posted on page 1 Naomi -
"Worthwhile, though I don't see how the promise of God's kingdom should be the only thing to keep people moral. Some people manage to be good without believing in any god; it's built in to our evolution to try to be so and threats of divine retribution or promises of divine reward won't change that.

And what of the other changes that the bible, God's word, has brought to lives? Stoning for adultery? Persecuting supposed blasphemers? Discrimination against homosexuals? Believing as fact that which we know now to be false? There must be quite a few, from the Old and New Testament
11:13 Tue 20th Nov 2012"
-- answer removed --
Ah, thanks LG. My eyes must have been deceiving me. Sorry. I see what you mean about Olly's post now.
Someone was having a rant about stoning and my response was to say that in Christianity it is against the law to kill people.

If someone picked the ball up and ran with it while it was in play you wouldn't call them a soccor player, it is against the rules, and in Christianity seeing as it is against the rules to kill, why would you call a murderer a Christian?
@Olly - so all murderers are unchristian?
@LG - People who murder aren't following the teaching of the Bible are they. They are acting more like people who don't believe the Bible, i.e. atheists.
@ Olly - Well, that would seem to be a fairly offensive and inflammatory comment Olly. I am an atheist, so according you either I am a murderer, or more likely to murder?

Is this guy a christian?
@LG - if atheist think Christians are fair game, why should they object when the ball is returned?

Regarding the link you provide. They say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, or as the Bible says, "By their actions we are known" and I think his actions say it all.
@Olly - "Fair game"? How so? Has anyone here claimed christians are more likely to murder?

He describes himself as a christian.He has not been excommunicated by his church. Many evangelical christians support his actions.So, is the guy a christian or not?

"By their actions we are known" - Do you have any proof or evidence to support your theory that atheists are more likely to murder than a christian?
Doesn't your infallible bible also warn against "judging lest ye be judged"? Asserting that atheists are more likely to murder than christians in the absence of any evidence seems judgemental to me.

Indeed, when looking at murders and the reasons given for why they were committed, there are many many more instances where those doing the murdering claim to be motivated by a mandate from god, compared to those who murder because they don't believe in religion......

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