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Does The Bible Say The "end Of The World"?

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Dombovar | 12:31 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
65 Answers
We have heard so much about the end of the world because the Mayan calendar predicted it, but we are still here. Others say that the Bible says we are in the last days. So what do you think? Do you think the end of the world is coming?


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Are you ready, In view of this, what do the Scriptures mean by the end of the world? It will be helpful to consider how Bible translators of modern times have rendered this expression. Some examples are: “the end of the age” (Today’s English Version), “the close of the age” (Revised Standard Version), “the consummation of the age” (Wuest),...
20:16 Fri 21st Dec 2012
LG, it doesn't take much to convince him. ;o)
-- answer removed --
Lazygun@Well, all I can say to you is that you yourself are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy.

Modeller@ True, God did not "write" the Bible. He used 40 men spanning roughly 1600 years. Men actually put "pen to paper" but it was through God's Holy Spirit that the words came. These men came from all walks of life - from a King down to a shepherd.
Truthabounds, //Lazygun@Well, all I can say to you is that you yourself are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy.//

What do you mean? That people wouldn't believe it? If so, I wouldn't call that prophecy - I'd call it a foregone conclusion - and for obvious reasons.
Yes,Some dismiss that kind of faith as delusional but which is more reasonable—to believe that “this life is all you have, so you had better make the most of it,” or to believe in God and his promise of a resurrection? (John 5:28-29) And when you see clearly with eyes of faith that Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and God’s Kingdom are all realities, then is not a delusion.
Goodlife, //which is more reasonable—to believe that “this life is all you have, so you had better make the most of it,” or to believe in God and his promise of a resurrection? //

Since there's no evidence for the latter, the former is a more reasonable conclusion.

A prophecy is not validated because the majority of people do not believe in the prophecy and some ridicule it! You really should stop using circular thinking as a substitute for logic - it does not work.

@Birdie - Yep, you are right, it would have been more succinct, but ruder - I was in a polite frame of mind when I wrote that :)

@Goodlife - Given the lack of evidence for the latter, which relies entirely upon faith- belief in the absence of evidence- and all the evidence which supports the former notion, I believe in the former- that we have but one life, which is probably too short even if you manage to live out your full natural life - so one really ought to strive to make the best of it while we are here.

Seeing anything through the eyes of faith is clearly delusional. Faith means belief in the absence of evidence.That means believing in blatantly strange notions without any evidence to support those notions. We do not do that in real life, because living that way would be a recipe for disaster.
Strangely, Goodlife, I, for one, am happy with living the life I have; it's a pretty good one. I am not so miserable, and oppressed by this world, as to live my life in the consoling belief that there is a better one yet to come. Millions of people have to tolerate misery and have only that consolation of an after life to keep them going. That has kept some churches in wealth for a long time, and the poor and oppressed stoic. Nor do I believe that a moral code, replicated in every society, Christian or not,has been laid down by any god,whether the god of Abraham or Christ, or not. Quite simple animals have the elements of one, in cooperation and doing the best for the species. That man, with evolved intelligence, can make it more subtle, is no surprise.

You may however take consolation in the thought that your God has given man the intelligence and curiosity to discover how mankind came to be, how the world was created, and how it will end. It is a mystery, and a pity, that his book was so misleading, or wrong, in its account, but clearly he works in mysterious ways
Fred-Good for you. Our life is from God. Our power to breathe and the air that we breathe are from God. The earth and all the things that we enjoy are from God, his gifts to us. Why, then, should you think that He has to depend upon us and that we have to build temples to Him?
It talks about the end. The world of Noahs day ended. The world ended for those in Sodom & Gomorrah. It ended for the Jews when Jerusalem fell to the Romans. So perhaps one day soon, our world as we know it will end.
Batexia, is that what you're hoping for?
@Goodlife - there you go again - expressing belief as fact.

"Fred-Good for you. Our life is from God. Our power to breathe and the air that we breathe are from God. The earth and all the things that we enjoy are from God, his gifts to us. Why, then, should you think that He has to depend upon us and that we have to build temples to Him"

All of the above is simply your belief, not backed up by anything resembling evidence.
Lazy-Jesus explained why, saying: “Because of your little faith.” Then he continued: “If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, ‘Transfer from here to there,’ and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you.”—Matthew 17:14-20.

Yes from this true-life experience, it is evident that true faith is powerful. But just is faith?, It something you will never know,sad

On the contrary goodlife, I find myself ineffably happy at the thought that I do not share your faith. I do not have to abide by your stone age precepts. I do not have to reject science and rationality in order to retain my belief in a holy book.

I can fully admire the majesty of the natural world. The basic understanding I have of the physics, biology and chemistry that underpins it and drives the relationships in the web of life only enhance the experience.

I do not belong to a religion that yearns for the end-times, that has been so manifestly wrong with its predictions of when this will happen. I do not have to believe in a manifestly mythical narrative such as Noahs Ark because it says "that it must be so" in some holy book of myth and legend.
/this true-life experience/ Nothing 'true' about it
/true faith is powerful/ certainly, people are capable of motivating themselves to achieve all sorts of things; endurance, murder, construction, destruction - so what?

/But just is faith?, It something you will never know,sad /

The last bit must have been miscopied from something as it doesn't make any sense - how sad is that, living a life based on delusions that don't make any sense ...
Goodlife, //Then he [Jesus] continued: “If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, ‘Transfer from here to there,’ and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you". Yes from this true-life experience,//

That isn't true. It isn’t from true life experience. It's nonsense. Tell me when it ever happened. The mountain won’t transfer from here to there, and you know it. You have faith …. try it.
Yes , the end of the world is coming , in around 2.5 Billion Years.
That will be when the Sun has used up its Hydrogen and starts to expand to become a red giant star. The Earth may even end up inside the Sun as it may expand so much it expands past our orbit. What ever happens the Earth will be burnt to a cinder with a surface temperature of at least 5,000 deg C. This is not in the bible it is just a fact of the laws of Physics .
It will happen no matter how much praying we do or do not do, it will happen no matter how 'Good or evil ' we are . It will happen no matter how many people 'believe or do not believe' We will all die saints and sinners alike.
Our Sun is just a very ordinary star and it will die as do all stars and when it does it will take us all with it God or no God.
/But just is faith?, It something you will never know,sad /
Sorry about that. I missed out a word, but after all I am imperfect and mistakes can be made. Have you never made one?

It should have read “But just what is faith?”.

Naoim@ You see those guided by it do not make molehill-size obstacles and problems into mountains. Applying the wisdom that God’s spirit imparts helps them to keep things in proper perspective. Even serious problems shrivel when subjected to the sustaining power of faith. (Mark 11:22-24)
Sponsor a delusion, based on ignorance and driven by fear, then, offer faith as the cure . . . such has been the recipe for one religion after another.
Goodlife, //Naoim@ You see those guided by it do not make molehill-size obstacles and problems into mountains. Applying the wisdom that God’s spirit imparts helps them to keep things in proper perspective....//

Ah, so faith can't move a mountain. I've yet to see an iota of wisdom coming from you.

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