Are you ready, In view of this, what do the Scriptures mean by the end of the world? It will be helpful to consider how Bible translators of modern times have rendered this expression. Some examples are: “the end of the age” (Today’s English Version), “the close of the age” (Revised Standard Version), “the consummation of the age” (Wuest), “the conclusion of the age” (Rotherham), “the conclusion of the system of things” (New World Translation). What actually comes to an end is an “age” or “system of things” (Greek, aion, from which we get the English word “aeon”), not the literal earth and its inhabitants.
For decades Russell had been proclaiming that the Gentile Times would end in 1914 – not the end of the world!
But as I have repeated said, it is no use reading sites that are not authentic. Any disgruntled person can set up a website and say all kinds of facts that may be completely wrong or set out to give a false impression.
If you want to know the true facts, go to the official website, And see for yourself.