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Bazile | 13:06 Thu 03rd Jan 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
Is this the answer for those who dont beleive in a God ; but beleive that there must be more to life than this.

However , be warned research has suggested "spiritual" people may suffer worse mental health than conventionally religious, agnostic or atheist people.


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>>>but believe that there must be more to life than this

I always think that this is "wishful thinking" by people who cant bear the thought their loved ones (or themsleves) just die and thats it.

There is no proof whatsoever of an afterlife, and rational thinking would tell you it is very unlikely.

Of course religion has played on this "wishful thinking" for hundreds of years, abusing their position for their financial gain.

I saw the pope on the news the other day giving his new year message, critisizing the banks and financial institutions round thew world.

Meanwhile he was sitting there in all his expensive robes, surrounded by cardinals in THEIR expensive robes, with gold candlesticks and other expensive objects all round them.

What a bunch of hpyocrites.
The sheer ingratitude in the wish for 'more to life than this'!

Here they are, living in a breathtaking universe on a beautiful planet full of wondrous things, surrounded by human beings who produce the most sublime music, poetry, literature, art and artefacts and who - if they're lucky - also surround them with love and friendship.

And they want more?
They seek in death the same unearned rewards they've been denied in life through their refusal to acknowledge that which by virtue of living is worth dying for.
This is misleading. Many people who consider themselves ‘spiritual’ don’t automatically believe ‘there must be more to life than this’. That proposal assumes that the spiritual are seeking something outside of the world we know, and that isn’t necessarily true of all. We can experience great love for other people to the extent that it creates very real physical pain, or deep emotion at the sound of inspiring music, or perfect peace when surrounded by splendidly silent snow-covered mountains; we can be in awe of the astonishing splendour and power and immensity of the universe, we can allow our minds to wander and to wonder at its magnificence, and we can feel at one with the universe, whilst at the same time acknowledging that we, rather than being something extraordinarily special in the midst of all this grandeur, as the religious believe, are made of the same materials and are privileged to simply be a part of the whole.
Like Naomi said^^^^
You see there are various thoughts about what genuine spirituality is. Yet, your spiritual condition does have an impact on your physical and mental health.

This evidence is in what Jesus Christ said nearly 2,000 years ago. He said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3) so Since your health and happiness are influenced by your spiritual condition, it makes sense to ask: ‘Where can I find trustworthy spiritual guidance? And what is involved in being a spiritual person?
Goodlife, //it makes sense to ask: ‘Where can I find trustworthy spiritual guidance?//

To seek spiritual guidance from other men who cannot possibly know any more than you do makes no sense at all.
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What does it mean to be spiritual Person? It means to think like God, whose thoughts are elevated above those of man. (Isa. 55:8, 9)

Ok 2,000 years ago, Does that matter? For example, would the start of the third millennium mark the beginning of the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ, referred to in the book of Revelation? No. The Bible nowhere indicates any link between the third millennium and the Thousand Year Reign of Christ.
Because Jesus warned his followers against speculating about dates. (Matthew 24:36)
Goodlife, //It means to think like God, whose thoughts are elevated above those of man. //

So you wouldn't consider yourself spiritual then.
The essence of spirituality is belief in God. Without believing in God spirituality will only lead you astray and that is the reason behind your main post where you mentioned that spiritual people may suffer worse mental health ................. I would call that out of the frying pan into the fire.

But the question is that why few people would like to believe in the spirits but not in God? In my mind the answer is very simple. It is more to do with wrong and confusing models of god presented to people. For example in the west more and more people are moving away from religion but becoming spiritualist or atheist. I have spoken to a huge number of people (mainly ex Christians) and almost all of them give one reason that the concept of trinity confused them and therefore they decided not to believe in god any more but they do feel that there is something in life that will carry on after they die aka spirit.
//The essence of spirituality is belief in God.//

Your God? Hindu Gods? Greek Gods? Which God?
Poor you Naoim,what you miss out on life.
Nothing can be proved here can it, in any shape or form. It's all conjecture and personal opinion which turns into argument oft times. All good for debate but what comes of can any of us prove what we feel or "believe" in.....
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Bidie? Your future has not been written down in advance but is shaped by the present. Even though life is a gift from God, the Bible clearly indicates that you have a key role to play in deciding your present and future.
Goodlife, in a last ditch attempt to counter any rational argument you keep telling me I'm 'poor', but poverty comes in many forms – in your case intellectually.
It seems to me, reading through these endlessly repetitive posts, that people like goodlife, sound happier in their so-called 'ignorance' than the non-believers in their 'wisdom'.
Khandro, perhaps your perception is, like theirs, as a result of a self-obsessed penchant for ignoring the misery that religion creates in this world.
naomi; is //the misery that religion creates// any worse than the misery created by non-religious regimes and agencies. Would you like me list some?

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