@coccinelle -Exactly. Come on, goodlife, 'fess up. Who are the 144,000, are they already reanimated, and what happens to your other allegedly 7 million or so followers? I mean, if you cannot be one of the 144,000, I guess that might feel pretty aggrieved....
As for teachings about god and the afterlife and an immortal soul and hell and all that jazz - you keep banging on about atheists having a "wicked eye" ( I have a lazy eye, and an eye for the ladies - is that the same thing as a wicked eye? ) But actually, it is not atheists who teach a different viewpoint, or atheists who question your particular interpretation of the bible - it is your fellow god-botherers, those of the faithful who view you lot as a minority and misguided cult.
Go blame christians for their teachings if you have a problem with their version of heaven and hell and the soul and all that - not atheists - we tend to be equally baffled by the doctrines and numberous petty point scoring that all you religious types tend to indulge in with each other.