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cupid04 | 21:49 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
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What is it about atheists that they would spend so much time, attention, and energy refuting something that they don't believe exists?


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Naomi: maybe the OP has just got bored with the usual circular debate. I think I will join him/her.
Have a good weekend...
^^ If you cant stand the heat......
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birdie even you have to admit it's not very even sided when you come on here.
If the roles were reversed and the 'theists' outnumbered this section would you still come on to argue your point. And many of you can't seem to hold a discussion unless you are insulting someone who holds different beliefs to yours.
but thats the problem cupid - most of the time there are no insults, just challenges and disagreements - yet some rear up and claim victimisation and bullying etc just because they are challenged.

all most atheists want is for the people who come and make fantastical claim, to explain and back them up, to answer the questions asked ... but they dont they just start accusing everyone else of picking on them.

its kind of tedious to consider and type out an answer only to have the one who claims to have all the answers to life, just run away - much like beckersjay has done.

they are only circular arguments because the theist can never get any further than the basics - as soon as anyone truly challenges them, its game over ... for a while. ... they they come back with some of copy and paste or whimsical comment or some such about god being everything etc - and its starts all over again... and if they keep doing that then they will keep being challenged.

they must know that unless they are prepared to actually engage, acknowledge and discuss these things they are not going to get very far with their post.
Beckersjay, This is not a circular debate. It’s one that’s been left dangling in mid-air because for you to answer my questions truthfully would mean criticising religion - and that would never do - so you’ve taken flight. No surprise there!

Cupid, //birdie even you have to admit it's not very even sided when you come on here. If the roles were reversed and the 'theists' outnumbered this section would you still come on to argue your point.//

I’d like to answer that. Yes I would 'come on' to argue my point – and I can absolutely guarantee that Birdie and most of the other non-believers here would too. It’s called having the courage of ones convictions.

//And many of you can't seem to hold a discussion unless you are insulting someone who holds different beliefs to yours.//

Actually, contrary to popular belief (that's religious propaganda for you!) the boot is usually very much on the other foot, but nevertheless coming from the mistress of spiteful innuendo, that's priceless. Stop playing the victim. You’re not.
I'm outa here at least for the time being. I'm afraid I find militant atheists as tedious and dogmatic as extremist religious types , just about as open to civilised debate but rather less polite . Actually, I've been reading up a bit about militant /crusading atheism and I'm coming to the conclusion that it's as dangerous a 'religion' as any that naomi decries. This is my last post on this thread so I'll let the MAs have the last word as usual.
lol, great cop out beckersjay, So you dont have any answers.
beckersjay, before you leave this thread, can you tell me the name of the book/article you are reading about militant atheism?
vulcan42: so far I have just been roaming round various articles thrown up by Google, but if you do the same, you will find references to a number of other publications and articles that I will probably follow up.
I would love to see an article which explains how "militant atheism" ( which is usually defined such by religious apologists) is as "dangerous a religion as any that Naomi decries"

I know of know militant atheist suicide bombers, or MA rioting mobs, or MAs who riot and protest when a book is burned....

Give us a link, beckersjay......
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and, there you have it folks - the runner...

cant say i am totally surprised...its a bit like groundhog day in here sometimes...

bye beckersjay, you proved my point and also proved us all correct, so see you next time for your fleeting bleating, and inevitable retreating...
Beckersjay, //I'm coming to the conclusion that it's [militant atheism] as dangerous a 'religion' as any that naomi decries.//

Really? How so? Bearing in mind the practices I have decried here, that’s actually an appallingly insulting statement. So much for civilised debate! I can only echo LazyGun’s request for some evidence of your claim, because I know of no atheist who would condone the obscene practices and teachings that I have highlighted - and that you have failed – quite shamefully in my opinion - to condemn.

Serious question. What is wrong with you religious people? Can someone please tell me? Surely you can see that the things I denounced – and more - are completely unacceptable to any civilised society – and yet you steadfastly refuse to acknowledge it, preferring instead to demonise anyone who champions justice for the hapless victim. I would ask again ‘Where are your principles?’, but since I’ve never received an answer to that question before, perhaps you’ll take heed if I tell you that what you're doing isn't morally commendable, and appeal to your conscience by saying ‘Careful …… God’s watching you’. ;o)

Dont hold your breath waiting Naomi.
naomi, given that most religious people only try to be good through fear of going to hell - and not because they are inherently good inside and because they choose to be - i think many religious people must morally bankrupt anyway.

its easy to be good when you are 'forced' to be.

the irony of beckersjays comments is that often it is the realisation of the hypocrisy, irrational thought, and the violence and horror committed in the name of religion that makes some theists become atheists in he first place ...
Well, Joko and Ratter, they're not all beating a hasty path to my door to answer my question, that's for sure!
Birdie:''Beckersjay' is a prime example. He (I shall assume the male gender) made a number of assertion in his post of '22:47 Fri 22nd Feb 2013'. ' - Glad to see you base your comments on readily available facts...
Naomi, Ratter, Joko et al: Actually I have better things to do with my life than jump to your bidding and constantly respond to your repetitive questions and comments. You are convinced that you are right to the exclusion of any other points of view and seem hellbent on imposing your opinions on everyone - this is what extremist and fundamentalist religious types do and is why I find your approach dangerously similar.
This is really my last word on this subject however many provocative and derogatory responses are posted by the usual suspects.
Beckersjay, courage of your convictions? Ethical principles? Moral fibre? It's just not there is it. And all because the religious are self-obsessed. Your futile attempt in that last post to conceal your embarrassment doesn't work - but the effort is understandable.

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