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society | 15:20 Mon 27th May 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
127 Answers
According to the holy bible tithing is a spiritual law encouraging one to give a portion of their earned income. Practicing this habit helps one find abundance, fulfillment, and gratitude in their everyday lives.

When a person tithes, the universe that works under the spiritual law of tithing says - 'if you have that much to give, then you are open to receive more'. As we fulfill our part of the covenant by giving, then God fulfills his part by continually blessing us.

What is your opinion on tithing?


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Easy to explain, vulcan42. It all comes down to WHAT THE HOLY BIBLE TEACHES. When one teaches that THE HOLY BIBLE SAYS something THE HOLY BIBLE does not say, they are teaching lies as far as what THE HOLY BIBLE teaches.

"Truth from the scriptures" means just that - truth AS FAR AS what the scriptures teach.

Whether the scriptures are truth or man-made is a totally different topic which I have not addressed.
//Whether the scriptures are truth or man-made is a totally different topic which I have not addressed. //

Interesting. Can't wait.
So it comes down to a matter of interpretation. If you believe it's true then the Bible is true, if you don't believe it's true then they,whoever they are, are teaching lies. As the Americans say, that's a hell of an easy out. You say you have not addressed the topic of whether the scriptures are true or man made but you have already decided they are true, hence the line"teaching truth from the scriptures vs lies from man".
valcan - but my comments are in relation to what the originator of this blog wrote - ACCORDING TO THE HOLY BIBLE.

According to the Holy Bible - truth vs man-made lies, means truth as told in the Bible vs lies that man says the Bible says.
In other words, is it true (truth) that the Biblical tithe came from wages? Those who teach this are teaching lies because according to the Holy Bible the tithe did not come from anyone's income.
As I said, you decide what is the truth in the bible and what are man made lies in the bible.
I think what I have said has gone right over your head.

As far as IS the Bible teach truth, I leave that up to each individual to decide for themselves.
No, GA, the bible says (and you , of all people ought to know this) that tithing came from the common hold of produce of all and was deducted to pay or feed those, the priests, who did not farm or produce. Simple really. You wish to say that we are all as priests now, so it is right that we all give a percentage of what we produce away.

Whether you choose to put your interpretation of a book, the meanings in which have been debated for thousands of years, and which arguments have given rise to different sects, Jewish and Christian, all claiming to have the right interpretation, as true is a matter for you. You choose what the truth is.

Do you believe that you have the one truth?
//As far as IS the Bible teach truth,// now that has certainly gone over my head.
I seem to be experiencing deja vu. In a lamentably familiar way, we seem have a devout believer who constantly accuses people of misunderstanding his posts while simultaneously making contradictory statements and refusing to accept that any contradictions have been made. In an attempt to try and bamboozle us all with his 'expert' knowledge of his chosen belief's scriptures, he has in fact dug himself a hole and proceeded to swan dive in.

I've definitely been here before. Was is 'Beeplus', 'Tweeplus', I can't remember...
FredPuli43 //No, GA, the bible says (and you , of all people ought to know this) that tithing came from the common hold of produce of all and was deducted to pay or feed those, the priests, who did not farm or produce. Simple really. You wish to say that we are all as priests now, so it is right that we all give a percentage of what we produce away.//

Wrong, FredPuli43. Only the farmers tithed. Wage earners did not tithe. The tithe was given, by God, to the Levites (Numbers 18) who were the servants to the priests. They were the musicians, singers, carpenters, etc. - the workers at the Temple. Then the Levites were commanded to give a tenth of that tithe to the priests.

Both the priests and Levites only worked at the Temple about two weeks per year, on a rotational basis? NOT FULL TIME. The priests and Levites were divided into 24 "courses". See First Chronicles 24 for the priests and chapters 25 and 26 for the Levites. Each course only ministered in the Temple one week out of twenty four (1 in 24), and, depending on how many families were in each course, each family only ministered in the Temple two or three days during its courses’ week of ministry. The rest of the time they had their regular jobs or worked on their farms (they didn't own the land, but it was given to them, rent free, to live on and farm on).

Produce means crops, not income. You need to study your Bible before trying to debate a topic you obviously know little about.
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GaryArnold, do you believe the holy Quran to be truthful?
society //Question Author
GaryArnold, do you believe the holy Quran to be truthful?//

I've never read it so have no opinion.

Really? You have NO opinion on the Koran (and by inference, Islam)? Nothing whatsoever? I find that rather difficult to believe.

I've never read the 'The Little Green Book' by the Ayatollah Khomeini but I'm aware that it contains some very obnoxious teachings. I do have an opinion about it and the author.

In fact, while writing this post I've just Googled it and found the whole thing. I think I will read it.
So basically,GA , you believe your interpretation of a book to be true. Do you concede that others read it differently, belonging as they do to different sects of the Abrahamic religions? If so, why are they wrong and you right? If you do not concede it, why then are there different sects ?
You may find my question above difficult to answer without bringing in biblical quotation or two, but do try GA. You'll have to forgive any ignorance of detail or substance on my part. I am an atheist. In fact, this being a British site, you might a shortage of practising Christians on it. Only about 8 per cent of British people attend church regularly.
FredPuli43 - Since I have studied the history of tithing in the Christian Church, I am knowledgeable as to how and why other interpretations of tithing started. No Christian Church ever taught anyone to tithe from their income prior to 1870 according to my research. I've actually studied the history of tithing in different denominations, and even read the minutes of meetings of church leaders discussing this topic and why they decided to CHANGE what the Bible says in their teaching.

I don't attend church services, myself. I believe those attending church services are being brain washed to believe whatever the pastor wants then to believe.
GaryArnold - “... [church leaders] decided to CHANGE what the Bible says in their teaching...”

This is one of most convincing arguments for not following the bible or any other holy book. If the modern administrators of faith can change the teachings of their own holy scriptures because they can no longer morally justify a position then the very notion of 'holy scripture' evaporates. As does the notion of absolute morality which is trumpeted loudly by all the big three Abrahamic religions.
birdie1971 //because they can no longer morally justify a position...//

They don't change what the Bible says because they can no longer morally justify a position. They change it because they don't believe they can financially afford to teach it the way it's in the scriptures.

I'm done on this forum as it is plain to see I am debating many who have no clue as to what the scriptures really say. They think they are experts, but they actually know very little - just enough to be dangerous.

I am used to debating pastors and Bible scholars who have studied the scriptures many, many, years. At least they give scripture to back up their beliefs instead of the most ridiculous arguments I have ever seen (which are on this forum). This forum is nothing but the blind leading the blind, each one think they are a scholar. Never seen so much ignorance on one forum before.

No point me sticking around here. I am wasting my time here. Most are not hear to learn, but to merely promote their agenda. I am a teacher and have thousands and thousands of those who want to learn this topic that have downloaded by book. There are teachers in the US, Australia, Canada, and East Africa that I know of using my material to teach from. I prefer teaching where there is a receptive audience rather than a bunch of ignorant know-it-alls.
Excuse spelling errors.

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