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Why Convert To Rc ?

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modeller | 10:38 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
91 Answers
I watched the exposé of the Vatican last night .Silence in the House of God,
which was shocking in the extreme but afterwards, I thought why have over 1000 parishioners and 60 Anglican clerics joined the RC Church in the past two years.

If you asked these same people . Would you join an organisation that supports and protects paedophiles ? We know what their answer would be be but that is precisely what they are doing.


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People convert because the Anglican church is heading towards accepting Gay marriage and already has women priests , as simple as that. They can not even see or think about anything other. Over 90% of the converts are female and 'straight'. The same people (House of Laity) who overturned the proposal to allow women bishops in the Anglican Church, despite...
14:54 Sat 15th Jun 2013
"Do you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky?"

Yes definitely. Red sky at night and all that. Jolly good, thank you.

justem, what you are saying is fair enough, but these people are already religious so there is no religious conversion involved, merely turning up to a different place of work from one day to the next because of TUPE or some changes in your employment Ts & Cs.
naomi and goodlife - why do you bother to engage with goodlife? You know that he is an evangelical slot-machine. Press a certain button and he will spout a biblical reference, however irrelevant.
To debate anything to need a brain at the other end, a requirement unfulfilled in goodlife's case.
Sorry. I meant naomi and chrisgel! Oh dear.
I wondered that chakka, goodlife enters stage right and they are captivated....and thus the thread goes on.
goodlife is an erudite philosopher with knowledge of things way beyond our comprehension or he's been at the cooking sherry again. There is also the possibility that he's been listening to Eric Cantona, now he knows a thing or two about seagulls.
I suppose that would make sense if goodlife said, "but you can only see the sardines".
Vulcan, thankyou, I was racking my brains trying to think of that damned Frenchy's name. I can only assume that goodlife is the 'seagull' to god's 'trawler'. The sardines presumably are the bait (heavenly rewards)that attract the seagulls. There may be another explanation but I don't think goodlife's literary ability is up to conveying it.
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daisya //daisya // I didn't see the programme but now wish I had, will try and watch on iplayer if I can. //

My link will take you straight there :
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Chakka35 - //why do you bother to engage with goodlife//
Good question and I've had a think.
1) It pleases me to be a bit mischievous
2) I hope one day that he may react and use his own words instead of scripture.
But the main one would be
3) I'm fascinated by his use of language. He strings together sentences that,when read without thinking too much, sounds like English but when you analyse the words the sentence is gobbledegook.
It's an extraordinary talent IMO.
Got a direct hit from a herring gull yesterday. Just like religion, random and messy with no outline
Ludwig, …. from Goodlife…..//but you lot can see the seagull. //

//I guess it's some kind of wierd euphemism like 'your flag's flying at half mast'.//

Right, My flag is flying at half mast. I see. Now I know. Thank you. ;o)

Chakka, //why do you bother to engage with goodlife?//

The adverse effects of the psychology of religion. A fascinating study – and an exceptional example.
I've got a lot of time for the Roman Catholic Church. Any church that would marry me, a divorcee, and my wife, also a divorcee, because she was a Catholic and the Church didn't regard either of us as ever having been married, provided I converted first, or one that refused to bury my sister-in-law, a suicide, in consecrated ground until my father- in- law, a very wealthy, devout Catholic offered them an inducement (which he told me was a substantial sum) whereupon the Church superiors suddenly found a way to do it, gets my vote for its sheer flexibility !

And, of course, priestly converts may join to try to put an end to the unfortunate practices which have so blighted the Church of late !
Fred. A little too subtle, perhaps? :o)
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The exodus of the Anglicans to RC will be of benefit to both churches. I hope many more who favour closer ties with Rome will leave. Maybe then we will see less talk about unity and seeing the Pope as head of the Christian church.
Naomi, well,perhaps too subtle :) What amused me was that I had been previously married in a cathedral. I would have thought that you couldn't get more officially married than that, but the cathedral was Anglican. The Roman Catholic church decided that, as far as they were concerned, that wasn't a marriage. And they made that decision without me offering any money !
Fred, that doesn't surprise me. :o)
Yes,naomi. I can't remember why the Church didn't think my wife had been married. I think it may have been that she'd been married in a Registry Office, not in the sight of any God, let alone a Roman Catholic one. Of course, it could have been that her last husband was a homosexual, unbeknown to her of course, who invited his boyfriend to share the house within a week of the marriage! She promptly left. Now, that's the kind of thing which even the Anglicans might have regarded as a bit off. Unfortunately, I don't think she was called upon to make the priest faint by divulging this News of the World headline in the making!
Fred, oh my goodness! Sounds like the church was right .... she wasn't 'married'.
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No answer from tamborine . ! Surprise surprise !

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