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Why Convert To Rc ?

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modeller | 10:38 Tue 11th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
91 Answers
I watched the exposé of the Vatican last night .Silence in the House of God,
which was shocking in the extreme but afterwards, I thought why have over 1000 parishioners and 60 Anglican clerics joined the RC Church in the past two years.

If you asked these same people . Would you join an organisation that supports and protects paedophiles ? We know what their answer would be be but that is precisely what they are doing.


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People convert because the Anglican church is heading towards accepting Gay marriage and already has women priests , as simple as that. They can not even see or think about anything other. Over 90% of the converts are female and 'straight'. The same people (House of Laity) who overturned the proposal to allow women bishops in the Anglican Church, despite...
14:54 Sat 15th Jun 2013
I saw the program but its not my experience. Most paedos are men. so do we condemn them all ?

The church cant prosecute anyone. Thats for civil authorites to do.
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tamborine // Most paedos are men. so do we condemn them all ?//
What's that got to do with it ?
We are not discussing men or paedos in society in general . We are discussing the several thousand RC paedos ,plus the Priests, Bishops, Cardinals, Popes, Nuns and Parishioners who aided and abetted them.
Plus the thousands within the church who covered up for the them and as you appear to be doing, are failing to acknowledge what has/is happening
then and now.
You are still trying to excuse the church.
//I saw the program but its not my experience.//
Can't you bring yourself to condemn them, on what has been disclosed in recent years and what you saw in that film.

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tamborine //The church cant prosecute anyone. Thats for civil authorites to do.//

The church can punish by using Canon Law which they chose not to and to compound the felonies they moved them around to commit further similar acts.
The civil authorities can not prosecute if it is covered up and they are never informed .
The Pope had/has a list of over a thousand reported cases sent directly to him which he still has not given to the police nor taken action himself.

Benedict has now conveniently resigned before having ever to answer any questions. I wonder where that list is now ?

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tamborine if you haven't listened to Stephen Fry in daisya's post . You won't agree with it but it's brilliant oratory .

If this link doesn't open see in daisya's ' Would You Prefer '
Why Convert To RC ?
For many, because it eschews so called 'gay marriage'.
People convert because the Anglican church is heading towards accepting Gay marriage and already has women priests , as simple as that.
They can not even see or think about anything other.
Over 90% of the converts are female and 'straight'.
The same people (House of Laity) who overturned the proposal to allow women bishops in the Anglican Church, despite overwhelming support by clergy , the public and the government.
modeller; There! it has taken over 60 posts but you now have a couple of answers.
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Yes Khandro there has been more than a couple early on but of all the religions in the world including a dozen main stream and over 4,000 registered Christian sects and cults, why choose the most disreputable ,tarnished one ?
I've never understood in the past why anyone chose RC and now the exposure covering their years of child abuse it's just unbelievable that there are people who still want to join them.
It's also significent that the RCs in R&S are also failing to condemn the behaviour of their church , or answer the question.
The word on the (back) streets of Rome is that a cohort of nasty secular homosexuals have put pressure by blackmail on some homosexual (possibly paedophile) cardinals within the Vatican which has created turmoil, and has led to the resignation of Pope Benedict who could no longer cope with these horrors.
There is no doubt that the Roman Catholic church has enormous problems at this time, but personally, and speaking as a non-catholic, I can see it will survive, I'm sure that these issues are being comprehensibly addressed. In army terms; because some soldiers are bad soldiers it doesn't mean the dismissal of the whole regiment.
Why people convert even at this time is a question only they can answer. I have one friend turned 70, very cultured and educated (she has 1st at Oxford), who has recently done just that, largely for the reasons outlined by EDDIE above.
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Aren't you glad you are a Buddhist Khandro ? You can watch as the Abrahamists try to annihilate each other.
modeller; I respect the divinity within everyone, including those unaware that they have it. :-)
Khandro, that's not only patronising - it's arrogant. You know no more about so-called 'divinity' than anyone else. You just think you do.
Khandro likes people to believe that he is a buddhist.. but if he is then I have a soul. :-)
.... and I'm a Scientologist! ;o)
//I respect the divinity within everyone//
What pretentious tosh.
^Naomi :-)
//What pretentious tosh.//

And that's putting it mildly! ;o)
//Khandro likes people to believe that he is a buddhist// Not really, why should I like that? Everything as Divine: The Wisdom of Meister Eckhart' - "pretentious tosh." ?
Also see 'Namaste'.
Vanity Khandro, pure and simple. About time you had another slap from a zen master.

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