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Do Christians And Muslims Worship The Same God.

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gordiescotland1 | 08:56 Wed 23rd Dec 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
186 Answers
Hi There I saw a post on facebook that said Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. And I copied it on to my wall. Anyway one of my really pc friends said that is not true and it is hate crime to say that and if it is not removed she will phone the police. But surely that is true. Muslims worship Allah where as Christians worship God?


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Not being a user of Facebook I thought gordie had put the message up in his living room. (copied it on to my wall)
09:59 Wed 23rd Dec 2015
keyplus; Good post!
Bazille - the Holy Trinity is 3 entities in one.
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//Bazille - the Holy Trinity is 3 entities in one.//

So you agree with my statement then ?
xerus, //What about Messianic Jews Naomi?..

That’s not mainstream Judaism.

Keyplus, //If they do so [worship the god of their prophets] then things will be very simple.//

Things would be even simpler if they stopped worshipping altogether.
/ Your imagined opinion that they are "imaginary" is quite beside the point and has nothing to do with, or contribute to the question in the original post. /
I think it touches upon the nub of the matter though it is perhaps a tad too philosophical to be immediately apparent.
/Roses are red
Violets are bluish
If it wasn't for Jesus
We'd all be Jewish /
How so? anything else.. just not christian.
Thanks Khandro.

Naomi ////Things would be even simpler if they stopped worshipping altogether.////

If your example is to go by then by stopping to worship (or believe in it) has not made it simpler but has very much confused you and many more here.

OK, Trinity, Even the Bible available today has nothing to do with trinity in it. Trinity has been added by the church and majority of the Christians of today are not following Jesus (pbuh), they are following St Paul and then many others.
Keyplus, //If your example is to go by then by stopping to worship (or believe in it) has not made it simpler but has very much confused you and many more here. //

Really? Why do you think I'm confused?

// xerus, //What about Messianic Jews Naomi?.. //

asked an orthodox Jew this - isnt a famous singer a famous messianic Jew ?

and he said incompatible with being a Jew as the whole point is that the messiah had NOT come

he said they were a minority christian sect
o Jesus I have no difficulty in being confused by Unitarians
altho lots are jolly nice people ....
big emphasis on good works and charity
Dump that so called friend. Phone the police.....*** more like. Both religions you mention worship the same deity. Your leftist acquaintance is the nastiest cretinous she witch. Avoid.
naomi; I'm not sure that 'confused' is the right word, but you are most certainly prejudiced; adamant that your view is correct, beyond question and that (and you are not alone on these pages) anyone of a different opinion is somehow stupid.
Stubborn atheism is no better than the intolerance of the fanatically religious.
Khandro, I assume you have proof of a stubborn atheist beheading somebody who doesn't agree with them?
"Beheading those who disagree with" me?
I do it at least once a week.
A more interesting comparison is not that between the God worshipped by Christians and Muslims respectively, but the contrast between their definition of the perfect man. That is to say the life and example of Christ on the one hand, and the life and example of Mohammed on the other.
I don't know what goes on in these inter-faith "dialogues", but I find it difficult to imagine that the Christian who thinks Jesus is the Son of God and the Prince of Peace could view the Prophet with anything other than horror. Equally I cannot conceive that the person who thinks that Mohammed represents the finest example of human conduct could view the Jesus of the New Testament (not the Jesus of the Koran) with anything but contempt.
Khandro - "... Stubborn atheism is no better than the intolerance of the fanatically religious."

Really? It is *no* better?

The fanatically religious blow themselves up in crowed places, murdering many innocent men, women and children. They slaughter innocent non-believers with guns and knives without mercy in the name of their god. They fly aeroplanes into buildings. They fly aeroplanes deliberately into the ground and the sea. They launch missiles indiscriminately towards their religious rivals, unconcerned that innocent civilians may be killed. They pump poisonous gas into underground tube stations. They establish rocket launching stations next to schools, hospitals and other densely packed civilian areas so that any retaliation is almost certain to kill innocent civilians... need I go on?

Come on Khandro. Your obvious disdain for atheism and atheists is clouding your judgement. You accuse another of being, "... adamant that your view is correct, beyond question and that (and you are not alone on these pages) anyone of a different opinion is somehow stupid..." and then go on to make a statement so absurd and so demonstrably inaccurate as to be almost comical.
Khandro, I googled the definition of ‘prejudice’ and first on the list was this
// preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.//

My opinions are based on reason and experience, and I’m always willing to offer rational argument to support those opinions. Therefore prejudice is not something I can justly be accused of. Try again.

And speaking of prejudice, on another thread you said of Stephen Fry, //There are many [atheists], you know, who are capable of giving a coherent case for atheism without resorting to the kind of language of this coke-snorting, woman hating, buggerer.//. A damning assessment. Despite several requests, you consistently declined to tell me what he said to provoke that outburst, and therefore I can only conclude that your censure of him emanates not from experience or reason, but from blind prejudice. Atheists who are capable of offering reasoned argument scare the hell out of you. You have no answers which is why you regularly, and quite amusingly, resort to attacking the messenger, as you’ve done here. As tedious as that is, old chap, it’s water off a duck’s back. If you want to be taken seriously you really must try harder, Khandro.
birdie; When I make a comparison between 'stubborn atheism' and the intolerance of the fanatically religious, I refer to these two positions as intellectual stances, how both positions are manifested is a separate matter.

You list atrocities carried out in the name of the fanatically religious and imply that the other group is innocent of such action, if this is your belief you lack knowledge of history, allow me to enlighten you. Far more deaths have been carried out by atheist regimes that even those through the history of Islamic and Christian fanaticism (which is saying something). Atheist, Joseph Stalin was directly responsible for the deaths of more than 50 million souls, mostly orthodox Christians and declared the Soviet Union to be an Atheist state. The atheist Mao, a similar number in China and a similar decree, mostly Confucianists and Buddhists. In North Korea, the atheist Dictator Kim il Sung was responsible for the deaths of around 2 million, mostly Buddhists, and forcing atheism on the rest, and the list goes on.

It is clear to me at least, that any form of extremism produces drastic consequences for humanity - as the Greeks taught; 'moderation in everything', - the 'Middle Way' dear boy, the middle way!

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