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Is Islam Fairly Represented In The Media

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nailit | 18:00 Sun 29th Oct 2017 | Religion & Spirituality
73 Answers
I despise Islam like I despise all organized religion, but that doesn't mean that I have to believe everything that the media portrays about a particular subject. (an example being that prisons are holiday camps...far from it)
Ive worked with muslims and while I find their beliefs ridiculous (just like I find the beliefs of Christians ridiculous) I couldn't fault them as people, in fact Ive found born again evangelicals much less easier to get on with.
Isnt it a similar thing to portraying all Catholic priests as kiddie fiddlers when clearly they arnt?


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I try to keep in mind that most religious people are victims of the culture they are exposed to.
In the UK the media seem very pro-Islam.
I have to agree with Hazi-Ham.... The media, on the whole (yes, I know it is easy to quote anti-Islam items) seems to be generally pro-Islam - to the extent that I am reliably informed by kids in school that it is 'cool' to be Muslim. Mention Christianity and you are blanked.
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You are joking Hazi?
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As I said, I despise Islam and any religion for that matter, but the portrayal of muslims in the media is different to the muslims that ive had to work with. Ive never met one who wished to blow up the west or fly a plane in to a skyscraper.
Hazi...I can find no evidence for your assertion that the media is pro-Islam. Most of the lower, less educated end of the Press seems to be screaming about militant Islam all the time.
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Joudain, I agree with you to an extent. BUT mention atheism and you are also blanked...
I wonder why anyone would be screaming about militant Islam ... what is wrong with these people?
No I am not joking. The media generally seem to be pro-Islam in this country. Have you noticed otherwise?

You say you havent met any jihadists yet in the UK. Where have you been looking for them? Spend 2 mins on youtube and see Islamic extremists openly and publicly demonstrate a d condemn our troops and call for the murder of civilians.
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Big difference between MILITANT Islam and bog standard Islam Talbot.
Same as ''militant'' Catholocism (pedo priests) and the rest of the faithful.
Perhaps Hazi and I are reading/seeing the better press, mikey?
I stick to my 'kids' comment and I'd prefer the future not to be Muslim
Hazi...those idiots on YouTube are not representative of the Muslims that live in my town....anymore than the IRA were representative of the residents of NI, or the latest people from racist organisations like National Action that have been charged this week, represent all white people.
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Hazi, a ''jihdist'' who lived literally within a minutes walk from me was recently jailed. He was not representative of all muslims. Just another nutter. Like you get Christian nutters (in the U.S at least) blowing up abortion doctors.
Well Radio 4 (which is not what I would describe as lower end less educated) gives an above average air time to non-extremist Islam in my view so they get pretty good representation on there.
Prudie...why would Radio Four NOT give non-militant Islam a chance to have its say ?
Who says they shouldn't?
Big difference between MILITANT Islam and bog standard Islam Talbot.
Same as ''militant'' Catholocism (pedo priests) and the rest of the faithful.

Bizarre post from start to finish.
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Anyone else find it bizarre? I'll try to reframe it for you Talbot if its to difficult to understand.
I'm finding it difficult to understand why you felt the need to tell me

'Big difference between MILITANT Islam and bog standard Islam Talbot.'

And as for your second sentence ... What The Funicular?

///Ive never met one who wished to blow up the west or fly a plane in to a skyscraper///

Did you mean you've never met one who admitted it?

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