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The R.c. Cess Pit.

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Theland | 17:22 Sun 24th Feb 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
103 Answers
How can anybody wanting to worship God or wanting to search for Him ever step into a Roman Catholic Church given their recent revelations about criminal and pervasive sexual abuse with both adults and children?

Where is their integrity?


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Puzzles me too, Theland. Far too many of my family members are Roman Catholic. Since the extent of the abuse and cover ups became known I have asked your question of them many times but the answers I get are weak and usually end up with them saying they will pray for me.... :-)

The Parish to which my mother gave her life and money treated her shockingly when she developed Alzheimer's. I will be torn when she dies. I will of course arrange the funeral she would want....but will probably sit on the wall outside her church until it's over and we head for the graveyard....don't think I can step inside any more.
I do have the misfortune to meet priests and nuns at family dos.....but I have long since stopped shaking hands with any of them.
My daughter amuses me...she says she can tell from my body language.....the grimace and shudder....if a priest or nun is nearby even if I can't see them.....I put it down to the years of being taught by nuns and priests.....perhaps I can smell them.....x
They're too frightened to think or say anything that might upset their god. Always excusing them.
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There is an excellent web site called either, "Berean Beacon, " or "Berean Call," run by an ex R.C. priest.

A real eye opener, and really sad.

Both sites are valid, but different. X u
The RC Catholic church is just like the Mafia in frocks. It is a business. There are some really good and caring people within all religions but there are some nasty people too.

I think that things will improve but not in our lifetimes.

My mother was raised Catholic and had to stay in an orphanage during the war. She said that there was only one kindly nun but the rest of them were evil.

She made the mistake of marrying my dad who was a Protestant and she and the church parted company.

My brother and I are pretty scathing about organised religion, esp the Catholic Church.

He fell in love with a lovely Catholic girl from another country and they now have three little Catholic children - their schools are very good. They now live in this other country (England) and, hopefully, they will all live happily after. He does not follow their religion and to be honest the kids are pretty un-religious too. His wife's family are Irish (Wexford)

My father confided in the abuse he suffered at his father's hands to the local priest who told him he was wicked and a liar and immediately told my father's Dad, which culminated in my father being beaten so badly he ended up in a coma and with a permanent brain injury, so there is little love lost between my family and the Catholic church, however ins't this just another one of your threads to have a pop at any group who doesn't share your own religious convictions, since there are good and evil in all religions, just the RC church really has it's hierarchy in order so facilitates it more efficiently.
I agree wolf. Most of these big organised religions are big corporations.
I'd say that was the best thing your Mum done in marrying your Dad!
Calicogirl - that sort of treatment would have made your dad wary of trusting anyone 'in authority'.

Churches of all the religions have the capacity to do so much good for those in the communities. It's all the cover-ups that make it all so distasteful.
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Calliogirl- no you are wrong.
I cannot and would not ever lie to you, or be dishonest in any way.
Sometimes mistaken, but never knowingly dishonest.
Patsy - they married in 1962 and the churches had much more power over their flocks. I was born 9 months and 12 hours after their wedding. :-)
The R.C. church. Historically dubbed "the bride". Not the bride of Jesus though. The bride of satan. Thank God for the Protestant Church.
Theland - where is the integrity of any church?

Do you really believe that your Protestant Church is utterly without sin and abuse?

Is this another example of you looking down on anyone, Christian or not, who simply does not see God the way you do?

You deny it to Calicogirl, but given the attitudes you display on here in other posts, I am far from convinced.
"Time is running backwards and so is the bride".

Indeed wolf, to this day my Dad has issues with authority, and I'm 100% sure his father's treatment of him and his betrayal by someone else who should have been in a position to help him were behind 90% of his problems as an adult.
There are as many good people in the Catholic Church as in others... and as many evil people in the Non-Catholic churches.
The people I would most trust as being genuinely good without an agenda are atheists.
That's very true gness..
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I do not support any mainstream church.
You said somewhere or other that you lived by the obligations of the Protestant church I thought Theland? That's pretty mainstream.
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No. The bible. That's it.
//Question Author I and my family have always lived our lives according to the law, and Protestant Christian tradition.

You would love us as next door neighbours. 22:14 Fri 22nd Feb 2019//

On your other thread- you follow mainstream Protestant teaching- that's mainstream.
One of the kindest people I ever knew was a Roman
Catholic nun who held my hand throughout a very long and difficult labour. I shall never forget her. Motes and planks ......

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