I dont condone any wrongdoing..... theres wrong doing in every religion!
(I am not someone who is at mass weekly)
The current Pope in my opinion does not condone what has happened & I dont appreciate all Catholics or Catholic Nuns & Priests being tarred with the same brush.
Sadly there are bad people everywhere however my Catholic Grandparents are NOT those people and when I think of them being tarred it deeply offends me. They are good people - very few people could lace their boots and they showed us & those around us nothing but love & kindness. Some are sadly dead but the ones still with us are
practicing Catholics and the best NICEST people anyone could ever be lucky enough to meet.
I have an aunt who is a Nun..... not the nicest person I have to admit. Her sister, my Gran however was... point being that you get horrible nasty sex offending priests/nuns aswell as bus drivers, policemen or women, butchers, bakers , candlestick makers.
Its not your religion its the fact that you are an all round *** person.
It would be no local cesspit sitting next to my Grandparents- anyone would be honoured to sit next to them and feel the love & sing a wee hymn.