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Theland | 13:28 Tue 22nd Oct 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
109 Answers
When I ask a question, with past experience, I fully expect comments like the following:-


"Here we go again."

"You've been told before."

"This is not a cinema."

"Bored already."

"Chapter and verse."

"God goggles."

And so it goes on, you know the rest.
This shuts me down, and that is sad.
What is your opinion?


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I don't mean that maliciously Nailit, what i mean is you have a sense of experience in life and religion so an opinion from a young chap that may seem a bit out there you would probably ignore, along with Naomi
Oh, OK Spath. Don't know why you think your opinion would be ignored though, just because your a young un :-)
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Spath - I welcome you input. You are like a breath of fresh air.
Please please post more often.
Would you like myself and naomi to post more often as well Theland ;-)
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But of course, we are friends aren't we?
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And Mibs of course.
When you can manage to wrestle your wallet out of your pocket Theland, we will have that pint?
Shall we pencil it in for round about 2023?
Will that give you enough time to extract a fiver?
nailit, you may have a long wait, my wife used to say, the last part of a christian to be converted was their hip pocket.
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Nailit I can't walk more than 20 yards/metres. S0 I would have to get a taxi even to my local pub.
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I don't know where that YouTube link came from. Not my doing.
Theland, you posted links to his ramblings elsewhere recently. Perhaps you've pasted that one inadvertently.

Spath, I can hardly be accused of ignoring you.
I bet Spath often wishes you would sometimes Naomi ;-)
Haha! Quite! :o)
I havto be honest Theland, I seem to have done a 360 with you. Although I don't share your beliefs, I found myself defending you recently. I still think you could tone down the preaching a little, but some of the reactions towards you have been OTT.
Mozz, you've only had a few months of Theland. We've had YEARS.
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Ah yes Zacs, but years well spent getting free enlightenment.
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Spath - Stick with me and learn about Jesus.
Just read your last two posts Theland. You've clearly retained a sense of humour.
Thelands, I think 'attempts at enlightenment' is maybe more accurate. As far I'm concerned, they'd be 'unconvincing attempts...' but maybe other ABers have got something from them.
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Naomi - Sometimes I allow my humour to intrude I threads that bring down the ire of the mods, getting numerous "answer deleted," which makes me think I would never go to a mods party.
Imagine it.
Everybody sitting or standing around watching each other ready to pounce :-
"That's four drinks you've had!"
"We don't say that here!"
"Only tell approved jokes."
"No flirting."
"Please put the seat down!"
"No loud laughing!"

I would rather watch the magnolia dry!

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