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Islam, Christianity Or Atheism?

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Khandro | 17:06 Mon 09th Dec 2019 | Religion & Spirituality
211 Answers
With the UK heading towards being a Muslim country by 2050 (probably before). Which of these alternatives would you prefer to live under?
The choice though, as things stand, appears to be hypothetical, I'm afraid.


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Isn't that what I said?
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There is no choice between atheism & Islam. The churches of Britain are emptying & the mosques are all full throughout Europe. In 5 years time the under 15 year old children in Austria will be majority Muslim, that cohort will remain & grow, Sweden is already lost - the game is up there.
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This abbreviated version of a longer interview is food for thought & its nearly 10 years old - things haven't improved in the meantime.
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I've spent a lot of time in Sweden and in many ways I prefer it to the UK in terms of quality of life. It's not under Sharia law what on earth are you talking about?

I'd prefer a totally non-religious society if only for the reason that there wouldn't be any of the perceived worries your original post appears to address.

//I'm not answering for Retro but a belief in God has been likened to mental illness on more than one occasion.//

It has indeed ummmm. I do not proudly announce my Christianity to all and sundry and have no wish to force it on others. I admire my family roots.All church goers and members of the Campanology team in the local village. All four uncles were mischievous rebel rousers who had an eye for the ladies in the village. They all were the first to enlist when called upon to do so.
They did it for the protection of their family. Their parents and their young sisters. ( One was my Mum).
None would force their beliefs on others but they made sure their Christianity would remain within the family.
My Grandfather would no more consider throwing one of his daughters out on the streets to fend for herself because he was mentally incapable of handling her wayward ways.They stuck together as a Christian family.I am very proud of my family and their contribution in the village where they lived.
One ABer who proudly claims he is a atheist ,and has had mental health problems in the past , cannot claim such family loyalty. Give me a christian any day

Retro, there is no comparison in that way. I know a family of Christians who threw a son out. That was caused by their religion. Nobody throws a child out due to atheism. This is backwards.
//One ABer who proudly claims he is a atheist ,and has had mental health problems in the past , cannot claim such family loyalty//

Wonder who that could be then?
Are Christians immune to psychological difficulties?
How do you know that 'said' person cannot claim any family loyalties?

Well you can't chose your family. Not everyone is nice.
//My Grandfather would no more consider throwing one of his daughters out on the streets to fend for herself because he was mentally incapable of handling her wayward ways//

And what makes you think an atheist would?
My family is a mixture of Roman Catholic, Protestant, Born Again and Atheists. We all get on very well.
Retro, you come across as a really self righteous bell end.
Sorry but you do.
It's a crystal clear dig at AN Other - not nice.

I have known some very mean minded Christians in my lifetime and some wonderful Atheists too, as said - live and let live.
At least you can see what I meant, mamya... in a general way, no religion means anyone is better than anyone else.
//My family is a mixture of Roman Catholic, Protestant, Born Again and Atheists. We all get on very well//

My 'Wider' family also consists of all sorts ummm.
And over the years Ive had friends that have been atheist, agnostic, Born again Christians, pagans, one buddhist, one wiccan, etc!
Its the person that counts, not the belief system.
Agreed Pixie, actions and words speak louder than Baptismal Certificates etc.
Yes, actions, particularly x
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In my OP I did not suggest in any way that anyone should go to church & proselytise Christianity, I asked which would you prefer to live under.

To feel that you are belonging to a Christian tradition with its history, art, architecture, literature & music is quite different from eschewing it all & saying you are an atheist - religiously speaking, a nothing, a societal gap, which in the coming years is going to be eagerly filled by Islam.

This isn't a conjecture, it is a fact, being carried out across Europe & part of a well organised programme which started a long time ago with France, later adopted by the EU, & goes under the name of 'The Eurabian Dialogue'. Go figure.

> Islam, Christianity Or Atheism ... Which of these alternatives would you prefer to live under?

As an atheist, I'd prefer to live under atheism of course. I'd imagine the answer would be different if I was fervently religious.
retrocop - // One ABer who proudly claims he is a atheist ,and has had mental health problems in the past , cannot claim such family loyalty. Give me a christian any day //

Clearly, as the 'one ABer' to whom you refer - let me straighten out a couple of your usual misconceptions.

First of all, I don't 'proudly claim to be an atheist' at all, I simply state it as a fact, I don't 'proclaim' any such thing, I am neither proud or ashamed of it, it is simply a fact.

Secondly, your apparent link between my atheism and my mental health issues is yet another product of your somewhat fevered imagination - I am far more complex than that I can assure you.

And thirdly, given your teary-eyed run-through of your family - if you are the result, and you are representative of the Christian faith, I am even more delighted not to be one - the less I have in common with someone who thinks like you, the better.

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