tomus // Because that's their narrative. God is there for everyone if they will choose to believe. Some people choose to reject him by not believing.//
Atheist // tomus, what do you mean? //
Sorry I only just saw this. It's just that's what the Christian narrative is. If you haven't made a conscious decision to believe then you are rejecting god.
It's your fault if you go to hell, don't blame god - sort of thing.
Mamyalynne //You'll reach a point in your life when it really won't matter whether anyone approves of the way you think and whether you do or don't believe in anything.
It's a very liberating place to be, comfortable with yourself. //
Amen to that. I'm very nearly there myself. It's taken me a few years though.
//Sorry I only just saw this. It's just that's what the Christian narrative is. If you haven't made a conscious decision to believe then you are rejecting god//
How can I make a conscious decision to believe in something thats patently absurd to me?
//If you haven't made a conscious decision to believe then you are rejecting god//
I can no more make a *conscious* descision to believe in your god than I can in Zeus or Posideon.
//How can I make a conscious decision to believe in something thats patently absurd to me? //
You have to choose to believe, or more accurately you go into a temporary suspension of disbelief - you know that thing you do when you're watching a film that allows you to invest emotionally in it and care about the outcome even though you *know* it's really fiction and everyone's acting on a film set.
That's how I think it works. I'm not a believer myself so can't be sure.
Zeus will now thunderbolt me and Posedion will drown me.
And Jehova will now cast me into everlasting torment (or simply annihilate me...depending upon which version of the bible you believe)
When I view a film,
I bloody know that its FICTION...Whats your point?
//That's how I think it works. I'm not a believer myself so can't be sure//