Nailit, your insistence on the anomaly being immoral is a question best answered by an expert in Mosaic law, is a Rabbi.
I'll look into this myself if I have time.
What really puzzles me is your quest for an answer to the most obscure questions, with no end game in sight.
I doubt very much that you are earnestly seeking after God, because if you were, you would be starting your investigations elsewhere.
I strongly suspect that you have simply reverted to type, and are making every effort to attack the faith of believers, for your own entertainment, and your, '' cop out, '' remark earlier is just your way of announcing, '' You lost, I won,'' in what ceases to be a civilised discussion, and becomes something rather more facile.
You are not surely basing your belief/unbelief in God in such narrow confines?
If this is your entertainment, count me out and enjoy your pseudo victory.
If on the other hand you wish to continue sensibly, count me in..