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Eternal Life.

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Atheist | 19:04 Sun 27th Sep 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
127 Answers
Before we were born we didn't exist, so time only started at our birth. Perhaps after we die we don't exist, so time would stop then. Eternal life wouldn't be eternal if life had a beginning or an end, so there isn't such a thing. Any thoughts?


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Pixie "unlikely as it seems, it is possible."

See default: disbelief (childhood amnesia)
Q. could it be possible.....

Research suggests it is a false memory or possibly a young (aged 2-4) memory of a younger sibling being born. Anecdotal at best.
You are assuming that the brain generates consciousness. No matter what I suggest I'm sure it'll be criticised in preference to accepting we don't need to know the explanation in order to allow possibility. But as a possible explanation: why can't it be that the brain merely allows an existing consciousness to be active in this world ? A TV doesn't generate the programmes it shows, they are broadcast from elsewhere.
The OP is practically begging the question.

We don't exist before we're born. (If) we don't exist after we die. Therefore "eternal life" (existence really) doesn't exist.

The logic is fine but it's effectively says if we believe that we don't exist earlier than a point so it's not an eternal past, and if we don't believe that we exist after a point so it's not an eternal future, then it's not an "eternal life".

Or, if you believe you aren't eternal, then you aren't eternal. Which doesn't really tackle the issue.
My opinion is that as individuals we didn't exist prior to birth - however the 'Earth' version of life did and us individuals are just the latest manifestations of that, same as this years crops. All lives are traceable back to the original life - which did have a beginning and will most probably have an end. So no there is no eternal life, there are eternal matter, or time, or energy but not life.
I'm never sure whether others want to know alternative answers to this sort of question; the comments tend to revolve round the same maypole, in the same dance.

Buddhism offers a different perspective.

Read more here:

Here is an example of the Buddhist alternative philosophy.

"Buddhists believe that if we can overcome our sense of isolation, death is no longer the Big Problem. Dying remains quite a challenge, of course, but now it’s like a water drop returning to the sea. Once we see that water is what we’ve always been, we understand that all life is eternal."

I find this philosophy comforting in its acceptance of all, and its uncompetitive spirit!

allenlondon - //Here is an example of the Buddhist alternative philosophy.

"Buddhists believe that if we can overcome our sense of isolation, death is no longer the Big Problem. Dying remains quite a challenge, of course, but now it’s like a water drop returning to the sea. Once we see that water is what we’ve always been, we understand that all life is eternal."

I find this philosophy comforting in its acceptance of all, and its uncompetitive spirit! //

I am pleased that the philosophy gives you comfort, but as I have opined many many times on the site, my view is that all religions are based at their core on the need for adherents to feel some sort of comfort in this life, that there is another life waiting for them.
Trevor, I know about false memory and that it's most likely and easily explained. But my point was that it is physically possible at least, from what we already know. But I don't think anyone is suggesting that you aren't alive during life, so it isn't really relevant anyway.
Og, no, I'm not assuming that. In fact, similar maybe to your TV analogy, I assume the brain takes in the information and that is how you interpret it. I still would like to ask... how do you get consciousness without a brain?
No not scared. Going home.
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OG. I don't understand how we can be said to exist before we come into this world. Surely, without physically existing we can't really be said to exist. Do you mean that something has knowledge of what we might become if we did exist?
Andy-hughes. “ view is that all religions are based at their core on the need for adherents to feel some sort of comfort in this life, that there is another life waiting for them.”

Did you get good marks for precis at school?

I think not, as the core of Buddhist thought is that there is NO life waiting for us after death.

For allenlondon -
Theland, I rarely watch the videos you post but I watched that one. Absolutely appalling. Are you ever going to apply a modicum of reason to your thought processes?

Allen, you need to study more.
Pixie “how do you get consciousness without a brain?”

If by consciousness you mean being aware and responsive to ones surroundings, perhaps we could ask a tree.
Life may not be eternal, but most threads on R&S seem to be ;-)
Canary, there is no rest for the self righteous.
Well trevor... I did exactly liken it to being a plant earlier...
Theland, my post at 08:12 Tue refers to your video for Allen.

I watched the other one too. Not worth commenting on.
Yes apologies for the videos, very lazy of me.
Just seemed topical for Allen and Nails, but was just looking for a quick answer :-(
Theland, I don’t buy that.

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