Theland, Here�s my
long anticipated lecture . . . hope you like it:
Unmasking the Ultimate Super-Hero
So who is the Ultimate Super-Hero?
They are many yet all one in the same. These heroes are at once identical yet unique to each Individual.
The mask behind which they are hidden is not their own but one that we hold between them and ourselves out of fear of the dependence upon their existence on which we rely for the survival of and value we must find in our own.
Rub the lamp of reason and illuminate the alternatives thereby presented with a light that enables you to understand which to choose. Only you have the power to summon the hero within and unlock the potential to pursue and achieve a happiness over which others who have abandoned their own claim to hold the key.
This hero does not demand faith in empty promises they have no way to deliver on but rather arises from your acknowledgement that you alone are responsible for and capable of remapping a path to arrive at a destination you yourself have chosen.
Look into the mirror of your soul, seek out and reveal a hero truly worthy of your worship and admiration, the one that determines the ultimate value of all that is you.
The Ultimate Super-Hero is your creative vision of a world more worth living in, conceived out of an indestructible and unstoppable will to make it real. Ultimately, how super this hero is depends entirely on and is limited only by the extent of your desire and the success of your efforts to materialize its existence. If you are now saying to yourself, �This will never be me�,
don�t be so sure
cont . . .