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Jehovas witness rules.

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flobadob | 22:26 Sun 07th Sep 2008 | Religion & Spirituality
35 Answers
Came upon this site. Just wondering is it all actually true or just this guy's reading into it for shock tactics. Also, if you watch the first clip on it I think you may want to convert by the end of it. But I do feel Jesus comes across a little bit psychopathic.


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Ha! Maybe Wiz. But even your wicked ways haven't exactly brought anarchy to society - have they? Up the revolution and all that!! Now that would be stretching it! :o)
Yes you are right, if I go on and force you to change your life style that is not damaging the society or not having any bad affects on the society then I am doing it against Islam myself. Islam gives priority to society over individuals. All the things you said there about being law abiding, looking after husband and so on has no bad affect on society so you will not find any thing in Islam any where that says you have to change that.

Now where is the logic, there are so many but I will give only one example. Lets talk about Wiz as he already thinks we are talking about him, lol. If Islam prohibits alcohol (apart from medicinal reasons) then western media is warning about it more than Islam. Most of the crimes, death, anti social behaviour, road accidents, unwanted children, child abuse, bad affects on unborn child, liver failure, and so on list is endless, is all due to over consumption of alcohol. Now only because Wiz (my good friend) likes getting drunk, I can not say Oh its ok. In other words Now media and science of course are saying what Islam said 1400 years ago. So why do you blame Islam? That is where I say that every single teaching of Islam is logical. If other religions have any of these things that can be proven I would have no problem in accepting that and I am sure Islam would have already talked about that.

In the end I know you would not agree with any thing so I am not even expecting. I am just giving my views and know they make sense.
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Wiz � I never dictated you or any one else and never will. I have friends at cricket club and in the office, they drink and I sit there with them. And as I said and you agreed that its not Islam only that prohibits even doctors agree. Would you call that dictation as well or advice in the case of a doctor.

Other part of your post that where in the world is a country where people live according to Islamic laws? 100% no where, because leaders do not want to bring that in practice and would rather follow other failed systems. But of course historian do tell you about the difference in the life style of the Arabs and what they achieved before Islam and soon after Islam.

And trust me (Naomi does not) that I have no issues living in this society. And you can not say that only because I do not agree with few things. Of course I do feel better within myself when I hear all about the affects of the things which Islam forbids. But that is my own feeling I do not go and tell others to do that as I believe that truth always comes on top in the end.

In the end, brother enjoy your drink and do not think that I have any intention of telling you (as an individual) what to do. But I would say one last thing������.Every one with drinking problem does start as a moderate or social drinking.
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Keyplus, Who's blaming Islam? You brought the subject up.

There are plenty of Islamic countries that don't mind selling alcohol. Maybe the supposedly high ideals of Islam take second place when profits (as opposed to prophets) are involved, eh?

What a lot of twaddle you talk, Keyplus.
My receptionist at work is a Jehovah's Witness. She seems happy enough, though her 'church' deny her many of the simple pleasures and activities the rest of us take for granted. It's not a religion I would want to get involved with.

Thanks for that link, flobadob, quite fascinating, though I question the bit where it says that JWs are not allowed to make friends outside their religion. My receptionist has friends who are not JWs.
Finally � First of all I did not say doctors agree with Islam. All I said that if a Muslim say do not drink that is dictation and when a doctor says that is an advice.

Naomi you are 100% right that they are more worried about profit and after all they will have to be answerable. Again its my opinion. You do not have to agree.

Wiz � What you are saying about food and obesity. Islam even tells you how to eat and how much to eat. But I now what you are trying to say.

It is in my genes a modern time excuse for every possible thing. Don�t worry mate have a drink, and if I ever see you, I will buy you one.
Err .... just a minute .... before we get too deeply into the wonders of Islam yet again, the original question here concerns Jehovah's Witnesses. Shouldn't we get back to that?
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Yes, I think we should. I've got an Islam question also which I am going to post anyway. Look forward to kp's take on the whole thing.
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Wiz, I expect it's because we're so easily influenced. :o)
That is a good idea. But I did not start this about Islam. All I said was,

Tue 09/09/08
10:27 Long list flobadob � They have only few things right in that list and even those half acceptable and half ignorable.

And Islam is not mentioned there. And look at the reply to that now.

Tue 09/09/08
11:50 care to elaborate keyplus?
Presumably the things that you think they have right are the ones that agree with your own beliefs.
They are just another religious group with their own beliefs, I dont find anything more psychopathic that you wouldnt find in the koran or the bible anyway.

So who asked for it?

Tue 09/09/08
Wiz, Presumably the things that you think they have right are the ones that agree with your own beliefs.

An accurate and very sensible observation, if I may say so - and one, which of course, as we know, applies to all the religiously minded, regardless of creed. They all disagree, but they're all convinced they're the only ones who have it right. What a sorry predicament!! :o)
Those were fair enough comments at the time - and didn't mention Islam - but you still ended up extolling the virtues of Islam, didn't you - as usual.

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