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Do all animals have a heaven and hell?

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flobadob | 13:44 Sat 28th Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
28 Answers
In terms of religious understanding that such a thing exists for humans.


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If animals are supposed not to have souls then of course they cannot go to either heaven or hell. Lucky things
No more than humans do.
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I know that cats believe that they are god and we are only here to obey them.

I am sure that, when they die, this will continue to be what happens.
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Some belief systems recognise that our fellow organisms (and other entities) have spiritual rights from my understanding. My recommendation - continue exploring !
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...plants, trees, rocks and other objects. Basically anything that has a distinct, separate existence.
Hi Birdie, you do have references for that death research thing I presume. Did they know they were going to die or did he sneak up on them. I am sure I would suddenly lose 21grams if I knew I was going to be topped.
wyzz you are being silly we have that established that ducks don't go to heaven, except if no one is paying attention to the barbeque.
what are 'spiritual rights'
If humans have souls, then so do animals. Humans are just another species of animal albeit a more intelligent one.
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Lack of air in the lungs may account for the weight loss.
I don't think animals are capable of evil acts as they lack that idea, they possess only instinct.
I don't feel animals have a hell.
you don't lose weight when you breath out only mass
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Where did Dr Mc Dougall get his degree? From his mummy?
Bible says when god created the animals they became "Living Souls"
Animals don't have souls, because there is no such thing as a soul.

It is all part of the big fairy story.
Birdie: "Only humans have souls – it has been proven scientifically"

So the fact that humans lose 21 grams on death is scientific proof?

OK, now I am sure you are pulling my chain, yes of course you are.

You had me fooled for a minute though lol :-)

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Do all animals have a heaven and hell?

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