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Do all animals have a heaven and hell?

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flobadob | 13:44 Sat 28th Aug 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
28 Answers
In terms of religious understanding that such a thing exists for humans.


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What a load of codswallop.
But it wouldn't be heaven if our animals were not there..... If there is an afterlife in any shape or form the life force of all living things we love would be part of it I hope
See this is what I don't get about 'heaven'. A friend of mine says your spirit ends up with the spirit of your soulmate for eternity. What if you think you have found your soulmate on earth but you die first and they meet someone else? What if you think your dog is your soulmate? What if someone is severely deluded and decides that you are their soulmate? Won't we all then end up floating round heaven either alone or stuck with someone we don't want to be stuck with for eternity? And no pets allowed to top it off? Doesn't sound very heavenly to me, I'd rather just be worm food thanks.
Oh Karen, you are so right.

One of the benefits of death will be getting away from 'er indoors.

Mind you if she follows me, that will be proof that hell exists.
You only have one soulmate...the theory is you may meet in many lives not always as a male female partnered couple though...

''You were my shield- brother, my sister
My father My Mother
My child my lover and my best friend
My Teacher, my pupil
My master and my servant
In some lives we searched but never met
In others we met and knew one another for who we were

So a pet will not be your soul mate.....nor will your current partner necessarily be the this life it might be your best friend,
I think the only thing is when you meet.......... you know

I think you can believe it or not...
Hi moswinner 'bible' says a lot of did hitler and marx and chairman Mao and allah(blessed etc...)
Rowanwitch..hope rarely works, best to assume the worst and make sure that you avoid it.
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