Tony, thanks for answering, but I can assure you what I said was written with no bitterness. I simply told the truth because I care about people and about peace in our world. Yes, some atheists, including me, are openly anti-religion, and some do hammer their views home, but clearly you haven't really thought about why they feel as strongly as they do. How pleasant it would be if religion simply encompassed the creed that the more delicate among us imagine Christianity to be where gentle Jesus is meek and mild, God is everyone's best friend, we all love our fellow man regardless of colour, race or creed, no one is bad, the devil isn't mentioned and there is no hell or torment at the end of it all, but unfortunately it isn't like that. The reality is that people's minds are, often from birth, permanently incarcerated in the superstition and the lies and the fear and the horrors of the dark ages, children are being taught as 'fact' information which is completely contrary to proven science, people are dying of disease and babies are being born with HIV/Aids for no good reason, women are being abused and living their whole lives as second class citizens, and men are regularly blowing each other and anyone else who happens to be around to smithereens - and all this in the name of religion. And the rest of us are expected to accept this and to respect it? Why? Sorry, not me because I can find no sense whatsoever in any of it. However, if you can I'm listening.