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Tv Licence Scam

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bainbrig | 10:17 Wed 14th Nov 2018 | Spam & Scams
64 Answers
New one on me. Email from TV.LICENSING.SECURE.MAIL+ID20178236104812@41938.55201982.EMAILS561872229.emailslicensingtv.[uk]

Some rubbish about changing systems, sting of course being that if I don't log in etc etc my licence will magically fly out of the window and they'll come round and confiscate my cat. Or something.

Warn elderly or unsavvy relatives.



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Seems to be a new one every day bainbrig. Need to be alert.
Don't believe any of this tripe!! (as it seems you have not)

If you have a direct debit for your TV license (as i do) then what's the worry? It shows on your transactions you've been paying the fee monthly. I also have a physical TV license. If anyone came to my door and ask'd me to present it, not only would i show them the licence i'd also show them the proof of payment. The hard license came with a letter saying in more or less words "we will not contact you again. If we do, which we won't, it will be via post".
Don't buy a TV licence, check out YOUTUBE how to avoid. The BBC contract out to numpties to call round, do not let them in, give no details. Refuse entry.
Or, buy a cheap black and white licence.
Trying to cheat the system sounds simple on the face of it, however dishonest you think it is.

Once you are in the system though, it's not so easy to suddenly drop out.
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Now, sparkly, you're going to find this hard to believe, but bear with me.

I have no interest in avoiding my TV licence fee. Nor, for that matter, in avoiding legitimate income or other tax. As a UK citizen, I'm quite happy to pay my way. One of the numpties, I suppose.

I take it you're not?
Hi BB, correct, I am certainly not a numpty. Why pay for what should be free ?
I'm another happy to pay £3 approx per week for a decent range of viewing.
On a point of order BB, we are not are citizens , we are subjects of the Crown.
SK, there is no way i can legally watch BBC, ITV, or Channel four in my house on a TV or laptop without a valid TV licence.

It is a myth that you "don't need one"
£3 a week would be less than £15 a month, right?

I'm paying £25.08
Why 'should' TV be free? Why are you owed anything in life for free?
It is not a law, it is a statute. Just do not let anyone in and do not answer any questions.
Colour TV Licence is - £145.50, how many payments are you making per year?
I just object to millions of pounds being paid to the likes of jimmy Saville, etc.
FOA you oldies.

"You can get a free licence if you’re 75 or older."
SK a TV licence fee is paid to the government. You know.. to support government funded broadcasting
SK how you feel is moot.
How much does the BBC pay to roles like Gary Linneker?

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