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Women Playing Football

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Khandro | 17:31 Sat 30th Jul 2022 | Sport
198 Answers
Do you like watching it? Dr Johnson said, "Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all!"
Could this apply to football?

Don't please get me wrong, I think there are lots of sports women are good at & a pleasure to watch, golf, swimming, athletics.
It's probably me, but I fail to get excited about it.

Stand back & waits for onslaught.


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Well, I suppose using a Dr Johnson quote is marginally better than using Morrissey.
Borrowed from Twitter (thanks Dave) :

Football’s coming home!! It’s coming home!! IT’s coming!!

Women, 60yrs later: … For Funks Sake I’ll get it myself.
I can see now why my niece who plays for Arsenal young ladies is treated so poorly compared to the boys team.
The boys are picked up and ferried to training and games - the training is also local whereas the girls have to travel out of the M25 for their training and rely on their parents to ferry them around!
//The boys are picked up and ferried to training and games - the training is also local whereas the girls have to travel out of the M25 for their training and rely on their parents to ferry them around! //

Has anyone asked why?
Had a bit of fun reading Twitter comments this morning. Couldn't think of the word I needed to describe some of the men posting there and on this thread. It came to me.....fragile....well that's one of the words.... ;-)

10Clarion. Enlighten me. What are the limitations of women's football?
Perhaps the management fear some of the lads might get lost on the way to the park?
Of course and they got an answer - that the boys have a higher profile and bring in more money according to one of the coaches.
One can only hope that after yesterday's victory that changes.
Ahh, I see.
I somehow doubt that!
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Zacs-Master //Well, I suppose using a Dr Johnson quote is marginally better than using Morrissey.//

One of my favourite Morrisey quotes is about internet trolls, I think he said they are cowardly losers who try to needle people by saying things online which they dare not say to the persons face, - something like that.

Anyone who understandably finds this an odd post should know that Zacs-Master has been trolling me (& others) for several years on AB.
Sad case.
^That to RH.
I must admit never enjoying watching football, but I did watch the semi final and final and actually enjoyed them. I realise now how skilled it is and that it doesn't have to be rough or aggressive. Nothing 'unladylike'about it, far less than awful hockey I was forced to play at school. And I might have enjoyed football. And no drama as there is in professional men's football! Suitable for all the family to watch as well even very young kids. And no nastiness from spectators or hooligans.

So my views have changed.

If I had a young daughter now I would be pleased to see her enjoying football.

And my son hated football and rugby and he still does and that doesn't mean he's not manly. We shouldn't be stereotyped.

Well done girls. You are a credit to us all.

The English FA banned women playing football in 1921 and it all but died out for 50 years They begrudgingly lifted the ban under pressure from UEFA and FIFA only in 1993. Progress in the development of the women’s game has been very slow because the English FA weren’t enthusiastic about it. For years it has been under funded and neglected.
Hopefully selling out Wembley and Old Trafford and the huge TV audience it got yesterday will wake up the misogynists at the EFA into actually promoting the game properly.
My only bugbear are those silly pony tails! cut ´em off, then i might start to take them serious.
I agree entirely, piggy - crimes against hairdressing ....
if they all had short hair, they'd be "accused" of being lesbians, or un-womanly, or not the delicate flowers men like them to be
can you take man-buns seriously though?
//not the delicate flowers men like them to be//

Not just men - it seems there are women on here that think they should be more delicate than they are!
I thought the ponytails were silly too. I have long hair but if I'm doing anything physical, I tie it up in a bun as most woman I know do.

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