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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
My tummy is stuffed, wish I hadn't now.
Oh nooo..Don't tell me I've missed live knitting ? Tut ...How very vexing .
Very wild and windy here now ,no rain as yet though .We had a few shooty bangs from the direction of the park as I was watching my hero Bradley on the Celeb Chase while eating a bath bun .They did well ,got a 100 grand and then went and lost it in the final chase !
Time for a hottie and a herbal I think ..Oight Oight .Sleep toight .

jno, I think ludwig needs a dose of good manners and common sense!
We have had the expected evening of fireworks here but the new meds have helped no end. Its been bad but nowhere near as bad as this day last year when I spent 6 hours (i know I can't believe it either) stood in the middle of the room with the dogs on short leads to stop them climbing and hurting themselves. Tonight there has been a lot of shaking and panting and some attempts to climb but nowhere near as bad. Its a great relief.
sorry, miscounted, it was 5 hours, 6pm till midnight.
Neti, I know who is off in strictly of you are interested.
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oh, the world is full of people unable to disagree without insulting those who don't fall in line, woofgang. Well, AB is, anyway.

It's been a bit blustery out there but still no rain. So much for the storm of the century part 2. There might even be some sun tomorrow... but of course forecasts have been wrong before, eg today.

Good morning. Yes please Woofy, bet it the a hairy biker?
I don't want to know ^ ^ ^ long as Pasha and Anton stay in I'll be happy. I know it's the celebs you're supposed to back but there's no one I really care about this year. I love to see all the professionals dancing together, I wish they'd do a one off special with them only.

Morning.... after a bloomin wild night it's sunny and blue skies..we definitely made up for last week, I don't think I'm meant to sleep anymore.
Thanks woofy, my lips are sealed. I do love Anton, but prefer it when he is being funny, can't really take to men dancing with hips swaying and toes pointing, just a bit too twee. Others do it more manly, like Artem.
i want Darcy's necklace but its 228 quid!
Yes, was it Butler and Wilson woofy? Most of the bling on strictly is I think?
Monring all
Bright and sunny ,very breezy .Hope you're all Ok .
Hello shaney are you fighting fit again?

I can't believe it I was up at 8am took brekkie to bed and fell asleep until 12. Can't be bothered to go too far away so we are having a paella in Siesta, the next little village.
It all seems very quiet outside, not that we ever hear traffic but I think it's cos there's no planes coming in, they'll only be about 4 a day now, nice.
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I thought all Spanish villages were called Siesta?

It is nice and sunny here, and as I am to be at a great travel fair all day tomorrow I may do a little painting today. (Not a self-portrait, a bookcase.)
shaney, can I ask you this. Here we buy poppies for November 11th although to be hinest not many wear them, so the expats in Germany wear Poppies, I mean the normal people not troublemakers.
When the Spanish ask me why I am wearing it, I say to to honoured all the dead from all the wars, whatever their nationality.
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well, I have learnt useful lessons about painting a six-foot-tall wobbly bookcase in a high wind. I think "don't do it" is the most significant.
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well, I was just posting an answer about the US constitution and the thread vanished under me. Someone must have taken umbrage at people posting their school essay topics, but I don't see why; it's no more reprehensible than posting crossword clues, and people are free to answer or ignore as they prefer.

These mods, they're demons in human form.
I'm surprised that you are not a mod jno, there must be some amongst us!

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