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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Oh dear kiddies sweet tin has been raided yet again and no doubt I'll feel sick in a while!
yuk parma violets, I think I should be bathing in them, very perfumed....
Well some demon removed the wall to wall sunshine and inserted much precipitation... I fed up today, I really is.
Hopeless case
5' 7" and wobbly.
Hi all hope you're having a good weekend. I've had a great time eating out and going to the Theatre. Have loads to do so I'll hop it for today but will be back tomorrow when l've caught up again. Roland the rat is still roaming and worrying me but spoken to my pest man and he says it should be sorted by Thursday all being well. See you later 'gater(s)
Expats can wear poppies in Germany Neti if they so wish .I don't think it's frowned upon . The Germans have a remembrance day too.
In fact there's a German war cemetery at Cannock Chase and I have it on good account that visiting Germans especially military and diplomatic personnel wear poppies !
hello all, jno, those american constitution questions seem to come and go at the whim of the almighty.
Have now got a laptop charger again so I don't have to faff around charging on my monitor connection, and I found a great pair of boots in marks. They hadn't got my size and its 20% off this weekend so I just sat in the middle of marks, pulled out my ipad and ordered online.
Hoping for a quiet night tonight to ready us for the 5th and for next weekend when the closest biggest local display is on. I might just drive inland somewhere away from the noise for the evening. :(
I've been asleep, am now enjoying the new look lounge.

Am allergic to every del in the casa, armpits it thing like mad.
And as to the latest email, I always thought so.
Was on phone, I mean *deo*,

I think all this necessitates another trip to the kiddie sweet tin.
do you know what, i never gave it a thought :)
neti i had to give up using deodorant around seven years ago when anything i used started to make me itch like fire. inuse talc and daily showers and still have plenty of friends so i cant smell too bad.
How can I sit here with Mr N and chew on the sweets that he doesn't know I am eating? I want a lolly but he would notice. Back to the bedroom then I guess.

It was 25º this afternoon, I would like a bit of winter, but of course when it comes, I'll be freeezing and damp!! or the house will, I, of course, am never damp!!!
There is one here called SebaMed but it's about 14€, I will have to get it again, I have tried other so called sensitive ones, no good. One defo needs one here woofy, the sun and all that, you know!!
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every del in the casa, armpits it thing like mad.

I wish I understood Catalan.
better you dont jno.....better you dont.....
neti, even at the height of last summer when it was ridiculously hot here it wasn't a problem. i tried everything on the market to no avail, even those pitrock things, so i gave up.
Sorry jno et all. Typing "s gone to pot.
Yes I've tried pitrock- useless.
wanders in smacking forehead

d'ya know, today's been a really strange one....and for some unknown reason I went overboard on the paxo, so if anyone's got small hippopotamus that needs stuffing give me a shout....
i love parma violets. must go to the local sweetie shop. when i was very young, we used to go on holiday to Littlehampton. there was a strange sweet shop there that sold Phul Nana cachous, which were old fashioned even then. i loved them.

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