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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
no hippos, but i could put it to good use on the fools with the fireworks who are letting theirs off tonight.
yes, same here woofy, very loud and I expect we've got a week of it to go yet.

Well Rachel was never going to win strictly but she didn't deserve that, I'm sorry for Pasha. I probably won't bother with it much now, I've been miffed ever since the already experienced dancer Natalie Gumede walked on the floor.
oh this is lovely, Mr N has gone to bed and I am here ready for Downton on the big tv, and I have a lolly!!!
lol Neti, I am gad you are happy. We are settling here, but clingybut fine if I stay were I am...good job I had a wee earlier lol.
Oight oight all you lovely biddies x
oight oight Neti. I am up till 11pm
Just coming along to say Goodnight .
I've done some internet shopping today for Christmas but I also bought my self a couple of things .Some wool and a knitting book for hats ,cowls and scarves .
You'll all be getting woolly hats for Christmas :)
I also bought these ... User Recommendation
and some pencils .I saw a thread on here somewhere about these colouring books for adults .They look nice for card making ....but I'm in my second childhood really'll be dressing up dolls next :)
Sleep toight .
This is the other one .I bought two ...hours of fun User Recommendation
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I know, I got out my colouring book of Islamic decoration last night... but all my coloured felt-tips have gone dry, so it will have to wait.
good morning Biddies - grown up colouring in, I would love it. I loved colouring when hija was a tot, and I took it very seriously!

Had a dreadful night, way too many sweets, and indigestion and acid reflux and strange dreams! Must try to resist today.

Not too sunny at the mo, but no doubt the sun will shine soon.
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well, if it's not one ailment it's another, but Parma Violet Fever is very rare, normally confined to the highlands of Rwanda in odd-numbered years.
Morning all...glorious here, sunny & blue skies, hopefully one man and his mower will make it today for the last cut of the year, it hammered down on his last due day...there's still a bit of bush trimming to be done too.

I had a lovely colouring book ages ago, I must have a rummage around for it. They were country scenes sketched very faintly...they looked quite impressive with just some of the detail picked out with a fine black felt tip pen.

Cut out dolls? Now you're talking...I've got just the thing for you all right here
(brilliant! rofl, lol, pmsl, etc etc.....hahaha, this has made my day already)
Robi that's fantastic. My Sis makes cards as well as me, her favourites are stamped and coloured and she makes some beautiful really well coloured scenes. As for me I have no need to return to childhood as I never left it.
Last night ended quite well, well better than last year. The fireworks ended just before 11, they seemed to be all private parties and the dogs were much calmer than last year. Slight hiccup when I got myself a drink in the night and poured half a bottle of mineral water over myself and the bedclothes.
Cut out dolls, now that I can do....

Just opened Robi's link, fabulous dahling!!
I am shattered, Mr N decided to cut, hack, chop and minimised in general the 2nd algroba tree, so all exits were blocked, so I then had to help, dragging branches across the land and hurling them onto a pile. Then I had to put all the fallen algrobas into scaks, took me forever, 8 sackfuls. so then I decided to tackle the dirty empty pool, but that defeated me. Have put on the washing and the skies are now overcast and grey after I sweated outside for 2 hours, am cooking a roast leg of lamb today so will be rather busy all in all.
I expect jno will wax lyrical about algroba trees or cut out dolls!!
ha ha Neti!
we have a spattering of rain, I am happy.
Hello all
Lovely bright sunny day after a dull start .Nothing much doing at Shaneytowers except a bit of essential household engineering and sorting out pencils and
I love the Downton cut outs,very funny .I might get a dot to dot book next !
Nothing much in the post today to get excited about either ,just an appointment to go and have my bosoms flattened .
I thought the expression masks for the dolls were hilarious...and O'Brien's Evil flour :)

Fab weather here and out and about everyone's happier even those who don't normally stop have kept me talking today.... I even took my eye rolling mask off. :)

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