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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
have just put a plank in, but poor wee thing seems worn out, hope it'll find it and disappeared and not in the direction of my house, keeping all doors and windows closed just in case.

Hair is normal short, quite pleased.
Oh dear talk about abusing animals! I found Mousey in the pool just watching the rat, so I clocked her with the broom and she shot off pdq, Had she presented me with a fait accompli and a dead rat, there would be nothing I could but as it is.............................
Rat is ignoring the plank.
I take it you haven't got a pool net neti? Can't you old colander fixed to the line prop...or haven't you got those either?

...there must be a heap of war damaged colanders in here
Oh I've looked 2x and the rat seems to have deserted the sinking pool, mind you I am keeping the plank there for a while just in case it is hiding.
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maybe the cat went down the plank
Haha, maybe so jno...thinking about it I suppose it would be hard to corner a rat with a net in a dry pool.
huh my posts are not appearing. Yes Robi we do have a pool net but I was worried that it would claw the net to pieces and run up the 3 metre pole onto my arm!

The cat got in and out without need of a plank, and there is no blood or head so I do not think the cat got it, she always leaves the head!
Mr N just arrived home and said " I would have let the cat have it!"
Are you sure the head's not on your posh bed as proof of a job well done?
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or on the gatepost as a warning to other rats?
Well to be honest Robi, I cannot find anything on the new bedding, for some reason, glasses and remote controls just do not show up so will double check!

Yes defo gone, although the stupid cat keeps peering into the empty void looking for the marauder. I'm glad it got away but what's the betting Mousey will assassinate it tonight.
jno. we have a rather large gate and gate posts so a mere rat's head wouldn't show up anywhere.
Hija apparently loves the new job. They are all English (she couldn't stand them when working in Covent Garden!) and it is online booking reservations for Travelodge in the UK, in Barcelona. I mean why? why not in Enlgand unless they cannot find enough English speaking people.
Hi All. Phew!! What a busy 5 days. Wont bore you with all the details 'cept to say on the whole it's been really enjoyable. There's only Roland in the loft to contend with now. I'm really hoping that he and his companions are now well and truly dead cos I havn't heard lately from him.
Not heard from my young neighbour either about what she has done if anything about her kitchen drawer.
I now have an ipad so this afternoon I've been playing with that setting it up etc. Still haven't sorted sending emails on it. I expect it's easy when you know how. I can write them and get them to the outbox but then I come to a stand still. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I haven't had chance to read all you posts yet but I will. On my ipad.I don't like missing anything. I've managed to set you up on there. Which is a minor miracle for me as you know. .
I going to watch The Escape Artist tonight. I think it's a bit scary but I want to know how he catches the guilty one!
I'm off now to do the usual pot washing etc. See yer later 'gater(s)
Oh I've just realised, I think Roland was here!!
hello all, we went to lidls this afternoon to buy frozen lobster. they had frozen whole crabs and huge king prawns too so i crossed my fingers that there was room in the freezer and went crazy.
slight problem though, i bought a jar of cherries in syrup only it was leaky and when i got to the till, all my food and my shopping bags were covered in syrup. happily i always keep a binbag in the car because ingrates where i walk the dogs picnic up there and leave their trash including chicken bones, so i dumped the bags and everything into the binbag and washed it all off once we got home.
got to stay up till 11 again tonight and the dogs are a bit worried and clingy but so much better.
Just called in to say oight oight. I've read all your posts and emails I've missed. Loved the vid of the little girl and the dog puppet. Also Neti's naughty dot to dot. Hope you're settled in bed now Woofy it's 4 minutes past 11 now. I'm still playing with my new gadget in bed. I've got Law and Order UK on in the background.
I hope you all have a peaceful night. The fireworks are done now here. See you tomorrow. Sleep tight.
oight oight all. sleep toight.

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