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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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oh, thanks, woofy. It does look rather thin, doesn't it. Comparing OH's mini and jno jnr's non-mini last night, full-size iPad's seem rather big to me, not something I'd feel like lugging around anywhere; but the mini seems quite convenient.

If only I had anything I wanted to do with one of them.

OH also has a netbook/notebook, which we take on hols with us to stay in touch with the world, but that is quite bulky and not very reliable. So the iPad will probably replace that and a Kindle.
yes that's what mine is jno, i carry it around when out and about, and its my kindle and you get ibooks. its easy to shop on. on sunday I was in marks and they had boots that i liked that weren't my size so i just whipped out the mini and ordered them online.they were delivered today.
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yay, electrician is five minutes away!

And five hours late, of course. And it's dark, so he won't be able to see what he's doing. Oh well.
Oh dear, so that's where he went...I think Roland just ran up jno's leg
tee hee
Well Roland certainly isn't in my pool, but at 26° I wish I was.
I has a nooo habit....there are no fireworks but i have got the boss conned
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right, light installed though painter man will have to return to tidy up the holes in the ceiling. All looks very much neater (it was previously a lline of five strip lights, only three of which ever worked at a time, sheltered for some reason behind a pelmet that prevented the light from actually going anywhere much. No rats were hurt in the making of this nice new lighting.

woofgang, so "air" is just a name? I thought it might be something to do with iClouds... or something. And it's standard iPad screen size rather than mini size? Ah, I am so out of the loop.
Painter men, leccy men, really jno can't you or OH paint a few holes? I would paint and drill everything in sight, but Mr N locks all these tools away from me! I can drill quite well with my battery screwdriver though!!
Woofy that is a lovely piccy, look at those eyes! which one is he?
"Air" is the apple tag for their lightweight laptop, there is the mac book and the mac book air, so now there is the ipad air, thinner and lighter than the ipad. Its the standard ipad size but thinner and lighter with more storage. The new ipad mini comes out soon the big difference is that there will be much more on board storage.
That's my Shughy
Tablets being reviewed on the One Show right now, BBC1
Aww...that face :)
That's his "woebegone dog needs love" look
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right, thanks, woofy. Darn, missed the One Show.
Called in to say oight oight. Had a lovely evening with Steady and thanks for the birthday wishes. I'll pass them on when he collects the next big pile of washing. Hopefully his machine will be repaired soon. It's under warranty.
I came home with a boot full of stuff for the charity shop as well. It'll be Mind or Air Ambulance.
I'm enjoying this iPad. Really getting used to it now. Can't see me using my lap top much. I'm not sure about doing my banking on here but I'll see when I get a bit more confident. It's so easy to talk to you all on here than on my phone. Any way I'll wrap up now and sorry for going on see yer tomorrer begorrer!!
jude, you will live on it once you get sorted!
wind is crashing and banging tonight
oight oight all
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aaah, this is nice, a website devoted to laughing women eating salad
#....Funiculi Funiculaaaa...

Anyone who watched Poirot will know why I'm going to have that stuck in my head now :) I guessed who dun it.

Parents outrage at poppy removal?! Strewth, some people need a problem to really worry about.

Bonne nuit.

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