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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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Morning all... it's been glorious here but it looks like the clouds are heading this way.

Well I can start my liddle phone, ring it from my landline, see the battery level and the icon for a text message received (probably yours then Jude) so I assume that will mean no battery or sim card damage but the screen has locked on the time and date set. Looks like a new one then. Oh well, it's a lesson learned with an old inexpensive one, I won't go to the loo with a new one in my pocket. It just gets to be a habit, if I feel a bit dicky how am I going to call anyone if I fall down and wake up dead and can't reach the phone.

lol jno, did you lose on 'Beat the clock' at the Palladium?

and woofy, be afraid..... :)

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right... ready... set... play!
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oh, and here's something else to sink your teeth into
Earworm - urban spaceman, thank you very much!!!

Since I had the upgrade, my computer needs restarting and restarting, hopefully it'll be OK now.

Was lovely sitting out in the village with my best gay male friend, then he came home and I gave him the TV from hija's room as I have a glut of old tv's.
Nipped to Es Cana (little empty holiday village now) to buy some Roses Chocs for xmas and some for hija's box.
what a dismal afternoon, very dark.

ha, I've watched the dogs three times, it's lovely, very clever...and that cake's very impressive, it knocks those sickly cup cake towers into a cocked hat....ooooh arrrr

Must be time for a teeny weeny worm...
Be thankful, I almost gave you Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep :)

mwahaha...where there's a will....there's a worm :)
No no no!! I refuse to listen to inchworm, but fear it is too late, it's creeping through my head now!

Jude am on skype, suddenly it has installed itself, but am in absolutely no hurry to use it, it makes me very nervous!!
jno that was so sweet, doggy on the roundabout didn't seem too sure when it started.

Don't jno and Robi have anything to do today?
Was watching "The Butler" last night with Forrest Whittaker (I think that's his name) it goes all through him working at the White House through the decades, he is of course black. It was so awful when it showed the Alabama riots and the way they treated all the blacks back in the 50's and 60's. I remember it slightly but am truly shocked how anyone could treat others like that just through their colour. We adopted our bro and sis then and there was no inkling of anything like that, although there were some snide remarks from strangers.
I will always remember the black lady passenger on the bus who refused to move.
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the good news is I've found my missing glasses and missing doormat. Both were buried under piles of odds and ends.

The bad news is it's pouring.
My good news is my mobi's coming back bit by bit, woo...just going to send a test text.
The bad news is this computer's being silly, it's probably got worms.

errr, yes neti I do have things to do but I'm not doing them. It's too dark, that's my excuse.
ha ha loving the dog machine. I did some things but, as usual, cba
Yoohoo biddies
Hope you're all Ok .Nothing much to report from Shaneytowers .Not a bad day ,dull but dry although I think it's rain tonight .Did a bit of shopping and then messed about colouring in
It's a bit addictive .
Love the dogs video and the earworms :)
Must go and sharpen my pencils ..see you later xx
hahaha shaney what are hyou like?

I've studied them very closely and you have done well, no going over the lines, have a star!
Shaney they are rather good.
We've had a couple of fireworks here and Shughy immediately came and hoofed me off the sofa so he could get settled. Rab is laying on my foot and we are reasonably settled. Hopefully tonight will be the last night that its a problem.
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those are very regal, shaney. I'll bet that's real leopard skin.
Just watching Elvis's best songs, he was so gorgeous, I've gone right back to being 15!

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