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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Morning all
It's dark .Think it's all calm out the there .
I see this storm has now hit northern Europe and the low countries .
Just having tea and 600mgs on toast .Take it easy folks .Pip pip for now .
Ooooh best answer ..thanks Jno .Neti may not notice ;)
Grrr, it was the first thing I noticed, taint fair!!!

Morning all, ooh shaney fancy getting up so early, I see no rhyme or reason to it unless one is getting a flight!

Seems fair weather wise outside. Having a cuppa in bed.
No wonder my Accuview was saying 16º, it hadn't updated since Nov 26th!! It is now saying 6º.
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oh dear, have you forgotten to put a shilling in the accu meter, neti?

Cool here but a bit of blue sky about - only through my right eye, though. Bad enough having to decide which weather forecast will be right today, now I have to decide which eye to read it with
Horrid with only one eye. no focal point! Don't go near any cliffs!
Lol..I get up early for the market Neti .My bro comes for me at 7.45 .I can't rush about and need the time to put my face straight and pull myself together .
Inland lots of fields are still covered with water where it surged up the broads round by Haddiscoe and St Olaves and we had to drive through some flooded bits but it wasn't too bad .
My other bro has phoned to say they are on the way .They should be ok as they come straight up the A143. I'd better get the kettle on !
good afternoon all. We are a bunch of lazy idle bums. Went to bed at 10.00 last night, slept through the early alarm, woke at 7, fed dogs and we all went back to bed, didn't wake again till gone 11. Dogs are now asleep again!
Oh exciting - I have bought lots of English goodies from the wholesaler. 4 packets of mince pies (8 to a packet) 4 packets sunblest crumpets (8 to a packet, 3 fell out so having them for lunch ahem!!) 3 packets of cocktail sausage rolls with about 50 in each packet, a catering jar of pickled onions, a box of 40 xmas cards. I almost bought an xmas cake but that from from a shop and was 13€ so maybe next week. No don't start any of you, I am ornamental not functional, I used to cook all this but not anymore (never cooked an xmas cake after coming home from school with a lime green and shocking pink iced one - Dad was horrified!)
neti, I bake or cook when I feel like it and shop when i don't....glad you have loads of christmas goodies. What is so wrong with a pink and lime green christmas cake???
Just eaten 3 hot buttered crumpets and a cuppa, oh lovely!
I thought the green and pink cake looked very professional, think Mum scraped it off and re-iced it. I was 15yrs old and was so proud of it.
Afternoon crumpets... quite a pleasant day weatherwise here.
Shaney I had no idea just how bad the east coast had been, saw some of it on the news (finally) this morning. All yesterday's news was taken over by Nelson Mandela and I know how important it is/he was but after so much repetition I stopped watching it. The BBC were slammed today for paying so little attention to our storms....those poor people.
Actually my mystery hose pipe had come from the bungalow, seems it had been flung off the lid of a metal storage doodah which broke a window when the wind lifted it up! That smacking anyone on the head would have killed them.

lol @ 'superbiddy' woofy....bossybiddy more like but if they didn't want me tell them what to do they wouldn't ask I suppose. I've been at it again this morning. :)
I'm gonna need someone to tell me what to do about this pain...I've suddenly noticed the painful side (waistline) is a different shape to the other side. Now maybe I'm looking through jno's eyes or p'raps I've always been wonky but I think it's time to do something.

Only time I made a xmas cake was when I was about 15 and at school. It went on show 'cus it waz good', haha. Bet the whole bl00dy school spat on it.

Hope all's becoming clearer jno! :)
Have a lovely time with your family shaney.
Oh dear Robi ,that doesn't sound too good, go to the medico asap.
I'm not going to panic neti, maybe my hip's gone wonky again, the fizzio once did some kind of twisting manouvre to level it up (ouch!) but the pain was in my back at that time.
Mr N's hip used to do that, he used to look very wonky, but he had accupunture eventually and that cured it.
Hello all! Pleased your ops over Jno but relax and let it get better now and don't worry if you can't post for awhile.
Sorry about your friend Neti. It is sad but like Woofy says it's really better than going on like that. I watched my friend, who had vascular dementia, for 5 years deteriorating until she died at 63. So sad and so young. I had been hoping for a long time that she could go to sleep and not wake up.
Shaney - pleased the weather is subsiding now for you. What crazy people in that vid walking near the sea. You keep safe.
Robi hope you get your hip sorted. It's a bit worrying. I give anything that's worrying me a couple of weeks to give it a chance to get better. If not I'm off to see Adrian PDQ.
I was up early today Woofy. I had 2 matches to go to. My niece's team won 5 - 0 and the super Rams won 5-1. And I won the attendance total again today. 3weeks on the trot. :-)
That's about all for now you'll be pleased to know. See yer later 'gater(s)
early night tonight.....oight oight all.
Oight oight all. No luck on the lotto again. Never mind eh! See you tomorrow.
Good morning one and all. Hope you are well, and Robi especially, hope your hip is better.

Thank you jno, bet you've never been so popular!!

Bright and sunny outside although only 7º

Just having a cuppa in bed.
Morning all
Lovely sunny one .
Had a lovely time.Nice to see all my crew again .Delicious meal at a lovely restaurant near here which is in the grounds of an old priory .
SiL's actual birthday is on Thursday but not everyone could make it on the day,so more celebrations to come .Just waiting for my brother to come round before they depart over the border .I can give them their Christmas pressies then .
I would mention your wobbly bit to the doctor Robinia if it doesn't clear up .
Hope your eye is easier today Jno and Jude ,Neti ,Woofy ,hope you are all Ok too.Over and out for now .

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