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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Juno? Damn predictive text! Jno Jno jno
All the best Jno. Hope everything goes alright.
I've been blown from pillar to post to the Co-op and back and I was in my car!! Actually it was when I got out of my car I could hardly hold the door open properly.
Also I've had a bit of luck. Last night I won £6 for being the nearest to the attendance number at Pride Park and the cost of my Christmas cards to post was £6.50 so 50p to send them was a deal this year for me. I've won it twice on the run against 5 men who are my 'carers' at the match. They told me they're going to ban me (I think they were joking).
Just heard that my friend who was like a sister to me when I arrived here, has had a brain haemorrage and is dying in the private clinic, Her ex and her son are flying in from Haiti and I will try to go to her tomorrow to say goodbye, so sad. We don't see each other so much as she runs a cattery on the other side of the island but we saw each other yesterday and we were laughing about how we were now the old fogies on the island, having been the bright young things once!!
Oh shaney take care, am watching Sky news which is from Wells on the sea and it looks scary, that is your way isn't it, or it could be Rhyl am getting confused.
I'm sorry Neti .It's sad when you lose a good friend ,especially one you've known for years as I know only too well .It leaves a bit of a gap in your life .
I miss my two old buddies from London .We had such good times together .
It's getting worse here by the minute ....
My bro phoned earlier and the silly old fool had been down to the cliff top in his car and said there were enormous waves lashing up over the beach and pier .I told him off ..He sneaked out while SiL was dozing ..she told him off too
Yes ..Wells is North Norfolk Neti .Picky was up that way today and he said they were closing everything down .Barriers up to prevent people from going onto the quays .
The sea is expected to surge from there right down the coast to Essex late tonight .
How long is the stormy thing expected to last shaney,aren't your bro and SiL coming to yours?

The winter wonderland in Hyde park closed it's big rides for 4 hrs but have reopened them now, so it's gone from there.
I invented a coliflor bake. I fried onion, pots, peppers, garlic and chorizo and butifarra and salami and mixed it with cooked coli and covered in a cheese sauce and sprinkled grated cheese on the top, it was very acceptable, except Mr N said, Oh I thought it had sobrasada in it, (sobrasada is much more tasty,) but we didn't have any!

Am loving hija's clean wardrobe floor, will take the clothes tomorrow.

I have to lie and say I am my friend's cousin, as you have to be related to visit someone in ICU, her daughter is going to confirm it is I!
*not take, I mean tackle!*
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glasses over eyepatch

mustn't drive for 3 weeks

mustn't bend down for 3 weeks, that is going to be hard to remember

otherwise have survived
My bro and Sil are inland Neti ,also my bro in Suffolk is well away from the coast They've shut the bridges now into Great Yarmouth and there are army personnel here putting up flood barriers .
Well done Jno ,look after yourself and take it easy .
Neti, I am sorry to hear about your friend, may her journey be gentle.

glad to hear you are okay jno, do be careful though.

Stay battened down the rest of you!

Just listening to the local radio .Lowestoft is cut off .The bridges are shut there too and the sea is surging up the High Street. Don't know what's happening down here .Lots of sirens going .The lights keep flickering so I'm shutting down and sticking my head under the bed covers !
Oight Oight folks .Stay safe .
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heavens, jno jnr caled us this evening (mainly to alert us to Mandela's death) and mentioned in passing that he has acquired a driving licence after all these years! I suspect Lucy has been pointing out that she'd like to share the burden.

wolfgang, he also alerted me to the analysis of the "forced Caesarean" story that I linked to in News.

I am starting to think he is turning into quite a useful citizen. And only 31!
Good morning biddies.

Shaney are you ok there?

Eye eye jno, hope you are feeling ok, take it easy,

Hope all others are in fine fettle.

I havew to go to the clinic to see my friend between 13hrs and 14hrs, there'll be no parking anywhere! I have to say I am her cousin or they won't let me in.
good morning. early start for me today as nice man is coming to put my new fridge in. Dogs not impressed.
Big fiesta here, Day of the Constitution! (No idea, don't ask!)
Big fiesta here, day of the nuevo fridge!
Morning all
It's bright and sunny but very cold .The wind has dropped but some people had a very nasty night .Houses and lifeboat sheds washed out to sea ,one man had a narrow escape as the cliffs gave way practically under his feet .It wasn't too bad down here ,Yarmouth bore the brunt of it but we've got two more high tides to come yet .
That's nice Jno ...your turn to be driven about now :)
Hope you are all Ok .
Just a small Fiesta here ...tea and toast .
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getting yours from Budapest, woofy?

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