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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Does Mr S have a car Shaney?
No ..we've not had a car for donkeys years Neti .
Mr S used to have a Renault 4 many years ago ....remember those ?
When we moved to the Netherlands it was on it's last legs so we got rid of it .
Public transport there is excellent so need for a car .Then we didn't really need a car in London and so ....we have no car !
Mr. S hasn't driven for years and I can't drive .

So he had to get a bus? Oh deary me I can just imagine Mr N doing that (not)! bus ....the High Street is only a five minute walk away but it's uphill coming back and I struggle with my arthritics .
Oooo thanks Jno Best answer eh!!
I was going on a 'hike' tomorrow but I'm not now as I've really got a lot to do and I'm not in the mood, would you believe. While I was away I went to a personal trainer 3 times and did some miles on the tread-mill so that'll do me until I've done my shopping etc.. and anyway Derby are at home tomorrow night so I'll be walking there.
Have to go for a mo but I'll be back. Laters 'gaters
That's better :-) Just had a chat with my friend on Skype.
I bus most all the time to Derby, Nottingham and Leicester using my pass. Saves £s. I don't mind shopping but bestter on my own. I have a route in my head star ing from the bus station round the shops,via a coffee shopand then back to the b.s.
Congratulations Neti - lovely photo of you and your OH. A good looking couple.
I have one like that of me and mine but it's in black and white.I'll see if I can fine it.

What are you all going to watch on telly tonight. I watched that Last Tango in Halifax programme last week, so I may watch that while I'm doing my ironing.

Anyway, off to make some phone calls now so have a good night all!
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oh, just seen your photo, neti. I suppose I looked quite nice when young too, but I'm not going to dig into the archives and check, just in case I'm wrong.

Very impressed with the personal trainer, Jude - considering all the gadding about you do, he/she must be doing you good.
You still look good jno!!

Just back from dinner he acually splashed out and we went to one of the famous meat restaurants (which in our young days were common and garden) had sobrasada sausage, all red and greasy, then I had a filet steak, just scrummy, then finally (it's now off my bucket list, been trying for years) had strawberries with black pepper, just to die for, sooo delicious! Obviously a bottle of Rose wine and fizzy water and then the waiter bought us a "chupito" of hierbas, that is danger to me, if I had one more hierbas I would be dancing allnight in some bar sleazy or not!! Now back in lounge with fire on and having coffee and a choccy biscuit, Mr N has gone to bed. Am watching "Last tango" so will say oight oight and it's about time I had another best answer ahem!!
Sounds like you had a nice evening Neti .It's our wedding anniversary this month .All those years with the same man :)
And my brother will have been married for 58 years on Christmas Eve .I was a bridesmaid .
Last Tango was good ...Oight Oight .
Good morning, bright and sunny here and not nearly as cold as it was.

Not much happening today, meeting my boring moany friend for coffee, but am really getting fed-up with her, nothing is right!!!

Bold test tomorrow at 7.30 (6.30 your time) that's the only bit about it that I dislike, getting up early and peeing in a special phial!!!
good morning all....jude, the personal trainer....was he fit???
neti I am amazed you had never tried strawberries and black was the rage in the 70's. You dinner sounds lovely and I am glad you had a good time.
I have to do massive clearing today as my man is coming on friday to put the new fridge in. I need to empty the cupboard next to the fridge so he can deconstruct the fridge casing and the cupboard next to that so he can run the flex to the plug. I so don't want to do it.....
In the 70's strawberries were like gold here, and in recent years have tried but they are always served with custard, yuk which made me want to vomit, last night they were perfect even though they came with ice cream, which Mr N ate.

Lovely warm day here, I wore my new long sleeved vest under my sweatshirt and way to hot.
oh strawberries and custard.....barf!
Good morning all. A lovely day here. The personal trainer was she and years and years younger than me! But it was good fun

Here's me and mine many years ago. I know we were divorced but he was still my OH. .
That's that little moment over and put back in my memory box.

Right Christmas here I come. Done a load of shopping on line and I'm off to town on Friday to finish it all off.
Going to see Derby tonight of course. We are 6th in the league at the moment (above Forest) so fingers crossed for a win.
Decided on TTD sausages and mash for dinner which I'm going to have early in fact I'm off to do it now. I would just love some strawberries and cream for afters. Might treat myself when I go to Sainsburys at the weekend.
Have a good day all. See yer later 'gater(s)

in case you don't go to chatterbank
Hi Woofy. Saw that earlier on FB. :-)
Jude he was good looking wasn't he, your OH!

Just spent 3 hrs cleaning one corner of hija's room which had a book shelf with 4 shelves, there were so many videos and mags and cooking books, I went through them all, kept the ones I know she wants and binned the rest, have made a nice display of the binned one at the rubbish so people can look through them. I do feel righteous! Have the other set of shelves and her desk and dressing table and then the huge wardrobe and 8 drawers! Tasks of Hercules spring to mind!! She is arriving on 24th Dec at 7.30 am (Mr N's the taxi driver then!!) and leaves again on 3rd January! She has lots of medical things to get sorted in that week.
Oh my back is killing me.
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don't know about cheap champagne, but I dropped in at Tesco's last night and they were selling Baileys at £13 a litre so I got next year's stocks in. Not as cheap as £9 at Morrions but I couldn't get there in time for that.
the cheapo chamapgne in Lidl is pretty blooming good at 14 quid a bottle

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