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What print????

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codswallop | 21:59 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | Computers
6 Answers
I don't know whether it's my old eyes or my old pc,but the printed word on most pages always seems so faint ,is there any way of thickening and darkening the words as a default ??? Thanks!!!


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Try a simple thing first.

Hold CTRL and the + key. If you go to big, CTRL and the - key

If you do want to change the default it will in the tools of your browser.

In Firefox it is tools - options - content.

I don't know what browser you are using

Are you talking about the Printed pages from your Printer?

If they are pale, it could be either your ink/toner running out, or you may have your printer settings set to draft/economy mode.
Before doing anything else, it might be best to check your monitor first.

Use this test card:
If you can't read all of the numbers, from 0 through to 10, on both of the numbered lines, you need to adjust your monitor settings.

If you can't get the display to show all of the numbers by adjusting the brightness and contrast of your monitor, you might be able to tweak the settings of your graphics card to fix the problem. (That's usually possible if you've got a separate graphics card but sometimes impossible if you've only got 'onboard graphics' on your motherboard).

If you can't get the display to show 0 to 10 on both lines, it's probably time to change your monitor.

Oh, Gen2 was posting while I was finding the link for the test card and composing my reply. It hadn't occurred to me that you might be referring to 'hard copy' print. (Even so, I still recommend that everyone should use that test card to check their monitor).

If the problem relates to printed output, the first thing to check is that you're using decent paper. The print quality on 'general purpose' paper is always far worse than using designated 'inkjet' paper. (Obviously, I'm assuming that you're using an inkjet, rather than laser, printer). For the best quality printing (with the high contrast which you're seeking), but without spending a fortune, head to any major supermarket and purchase their 90gsm 'bright white' paper. (It's far, far better than the 80gsm general purpose 'cheapo' stuff).

Other than that, take care to check the quality settings of your printer. Don't simply click on the printer icon that many programs (e.g. Word) provide. That bypasses the advanced settings. Instead, go to File > Print (or press Ctrl + P) and then click on 'Properties' to check that you've got the required settings.

I had a similar problem a while ago. It was due to using 'compatible ink' which apparently wasn't very compatible.
I fixed that by printing out in photo mode.
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Thank you all for your very informative answers,I'll work through them one by one.
It was the print that you read on the monitoe that I was referring to not what comes out of the printer.

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