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How to post a pic on AB!

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Jemisa | 23:02 Fri 11th Feb 2011 | Computers
31 Answers
Just thought of something else, I very often get funny pics sent to me & I'd like to share with ABers but I don't know how to do it, or create a link to post them.
Can anyone help out please

Thanks again. - Jem


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You need to upload them to the internet to a site like
Then you can post a link on AB to share with us all.
23:04 Fri 11th Feb 2011
That superglue must be a bastard to get out of their fur?
None as youtube forbids uplaoding porn.
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If they're going to do that then bibbie I'll wait.
Don't say that sq b I am bothered but naturally I'm going to opt for the easy way, I'm not a computer buff. It doesn't mean I'm not grateful to you for your time and effort you know I always am.
You've upset me now, I couldn't sleep. AND its my B/day. (sniff)

Happy Birthday, Hon :-)
Jemisa - it was when I posted a suggestion that pics could be done in a similar way to youtube videos http://www.theanswerb...s/Question982470.html that spare ed let on that something was planned.
Aw sorry Happy burfdee x
This works with photos off the web
Pick your photo and right click on it.
Choose 'View Image Information'
Chose 'Location'
Highlight this address and 'copy'
Paste on AnswerBank.
Uh-oh AOG, you can't do that. Well technically you can but you shouldn't, it's called hotlinking and it's bandwidth theft

*swedeheart thinks to herself These born and bred Englishmen with their sticky fingers...*

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