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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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There's a storm passing over here. I thought it had warmed up a degree or two when I went out to feed the birds.
Hi all. Wet and windy and thundering. But that's the least of me worries. My plumbing is causing me aggro. I turn my hot tap on in the bathroom and when it's been on for a little while it slows down and stops flowing nd then clunks for England. And the other clunking I get is and internal problem and that's official from Severn Trent Water.
I have spoken to me emergency plumber who lives in the next road and he is going to try and get to see me before he goes away !
That's my moan for the day.
This morning I took the tunic dress back and bought another one from Pur Una which I liked better. I never go to town in my car but today I gave in and was ther and back in 1.1/2 hours. Cost me £2.10. Not the dress - the parking ticket.
Off to do some dinner now. Have a good evening all. Final of Bake Off tonight which I quite enjoyed. Laters Gaters.
Just eaten Mr N's lentils, pots and chorizo stew, it was lovely.

Bathed and in clean bed waiting for Corrie and Bake -off and Our Zoo, lovely TV night.

Jude are you sure your pipes haven't come lose slightly from the walls?

Also sorted out the phablet and hopefully this laptop again !!

It is so hot here still, am sweti!!!
looks like the weather finally has gone over for tonight and we might get some sleep. I had a chilli stir fry on egg noodles tonight and as I hoped it has sorted my sinusses....maybe a normal day tomorrow fingers crossed. Jude I hope your pipes get fixed.
wet and windy and thundering, and plumbing problems too... Jude that is so me.

Not my house. Me.
Bit windy in my nether regions too, takes me by surprise.
Would you believe. The dress I bought is now being advertised at the top of this page. M & S advert the grey one if you can see it. Oight oight all!
Good morning, just off to airport to collect the sisters.
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Morning all...bright & a bit breezy but more storms forecast :(. It turned really wild yesterday but not as wild as it was about 15 miles away. If this is what a mini tornado does, I dread to think what a full on one would do. Poor people.
Hope you get your pipes sorted Jude & everyone is safe and dry this morning.
I've got an ad for leccy kettles, probably because I was looking at them yesterday.

ooooh you don't want one of the real biggies when it comes to tornados

Woke up with a yell and cramp in my leg... so disappointed, I haven't had that for months, I thought the multivitamin tablets were working (mexico thought it was potassium deficiency), but apparently not.
Morning all
It's bright ad sunny here atm but very windy .Could be thunderstorm later according to Accu .
That's awful Robinia .Good job nobody was injured .
Hope you're all Ok though .
Did you have any luck downloading the Spotify Jno ?
no, I was just curious what it did, shaney. I think I've got most of the music I want, ie nothing since the Beatles broke up :-)
so much for a quiet night. The weather rolled in, a proper autumn gale, and the dog paced. He finally settled at around 8am. I thought that i was just rough from no sleep but today it was bourne upon me that I have a sinus infection.
Bless my mexico's I phoned up, explained my problem to lovely receptionist and told her that last time I had been given a prescription after a phone consultation and could this happen again please? Probably says lovely receptionist I will get a doc to ring you. 1 hour later I get call, quick friendly chat and I can nip out and get prescription and am promised an appointment if the anti bis don't work.
The are the no alcohol kind so there go my plans for the weekend. Not.

Maybe this will be ok. I've been trying for half an hour to get it on ha ha
that's lovely Jude, I wish it suited me
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Mixed weather so far, wildly windy but no storms. We were so lucky to escape that yesterday, 15 miles isn't far when it travels with that speed.

Good result woofy, it's all about who you get to speak to on the phone.

Very autumn chic Jude. I can't remember the last time I wore a dress or a skirt. With my stick legs I'd have the dogs chasing me.
i am very lucky with my surgery, all the staff are lovely. its one of the reasons i am dubious about moving too far. i have got lovely gp surgery a super hairdresser and a very good caring vets.
I like that Jude .Very nice .Wish I could wear that sort of thing but it would cling in all the wrong places :)
Well done Woofy ,I hope the infection clears up pdq. Our surgery is generally good apart from one dragon who I try to avoid at all costs .
Terrible windy here but at least I got my washing dry before the hefty shower we've just had .
Hi everyone, just rushing in, I have been busy busy busy, cooking and washing up all day by the feel of things, my life do the sisters know how to eat!! But at least we are lunching out tomorrow. I am shattered, and it is so hot here still, we all bobbed about int he pool for a while and had a right old giggle.

Will catch up on your posts in a day or two, am off to sleep,

oight oight
lovely that you have visitors Neti. We have an eight hour gap in the weather tonight so oight oight.

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