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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Sounds like a pressure problem in your pipes Jude .Call a plumber .
Dry eyes do run Neti .I use that Optrex spray stuff on my eyes .
Btw Robinia ....have you had your blood test result yet ?
It's chilly here too ,the wind is blasting straight up the lokes from the sea.
Soup and chs on tst days are here again :(
Jam sandwich and a cuppa is all I fancy. Mr N has made a big pot of lentils, pots carrots and chorizo, yummy indeed.
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I keep forgetting to ring for the coeliac result shaney but all the others were fine.

Ha, I had soup & chs on tst for tea. I wasn't really hungry today, thanks to the weather I've had a sickly headache all afternoon and now I'm really tired.
I still have a runny eye and painful nostril, the chemist doesn't have the medicine yet!
What is going on? My laptop is unstable, and now my phablet has gone off completely, cannot recover it, damn and blast, talk about gremlins!!!
You must have a ghost in the machine Neti .
Just watched The Driver .It was good but the ending left me wanting more .
Bed time at Shaneytowers .I've now got the Spotify app so I can bop round the bed with Rod before shut eye .
Goodnight all .Sleep toight .
I've just been thinking Neti .That sounds like a sinus infection/blocked duct to me or possibly a nasal polyp .Whatever is happening in your nose is affecting your eye .I would go back to the mexico .They should have sent you to ent imho.Hope you feel better soon though x
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Morning all...the day started off bright 'n sunny but it's clouded over :(
Had a fitful night's sleep even though I'd been dog tired. I don't think my body knows whether it's day or night on these dull days, tut....I almost stepped into the shower with my pj bottoms on this morning :)

Neti you'll have to try some sinus massage...
Mine have started already and the heating's only been on a day or two.

lol shaney, funny you should say that. On our local news last night there was a thing about doing exercises in old people's homes and they were all wafting about and singing old/war time songs. My first thought was I'd never have seen my mum doing anything like that...unless it was to Rod or ELO. :)
what's a spotify app, shaney? (serious question, I've heard the word but don't know what it does)
Morning all
Horrible out there .Gloomy and raining .I was hoping the lovely September weather might have lasted until Christmas but no such luck .
I didn't sleep well either. My hip and groin were aching and the pain was shooting down my leg .Bah .
Hope you're all ok though .
Oh yoohoo Jno's this
Tons of music and free .
You can download it onto your desktop computer ,tablet or phone .
morning all, another disturbed night here, suspect we will spend the day asleep
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The window cleaners came...and now my windows have been spotified by rain...tut.

I called the surgery & I haven't got coeliac disease, which comes as no surprise. I'm still improving, not 100% but then my insides haven't been 100% since the early eighties....and I've put about 3lbs back on since last week. My scales vary, I seem to weigh less when the bathroom's cold. :)

In that case Robi, I am putting my scales in the freezer.
That's good Robinia .I'm sure it's just IBS which is a misery but one of those things sent to try us and I'm convinced it's all to do with these fibro/arthritic/rheumy things.
It's brightened up here now .
Good afternoon folks, been busy sorting out some debt hija left behind ( no worries she had already given me the money) I just had to sort it! Then cleaning the neglected House, as sisters arrived muy pronto tomorrow (9am pronto ) and although they are not staying here they'll be here most of the day. Bedding changed, washed and ironed, sofa throws changed and washed and drying as we speak. Outside furniture all washed, just had a quick swim, cold but lovely. Now having a well deserved cuppa .
Well done Robi, makes you feel better knowing that surely.

Yesterday in eye clinic I was convinced it was a) cancer or b) brain tumour, and turned out to be dry eye!!! I actually think it is something else like sinuses, but let's see.
thanks, shaney - that just lets you listen to music? Or does it download as well?
I haven't downloaded anything Jno .I just use it to listen .I don't have an Ipod or similar.
According to this you can though

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