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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Lovely picture Neti .You both look very nice .I like your top .
Well our livers and lights all seem to be OK although Mr S got caught for a blood test as he hasn't had it checked since they discharged him from the hospital.
The nurse is a lovely person and we had a chat about my aches and pains and she gave me some good advice . I never knew there was a health trainer at the surgery and that I can go and see them and get advice on exercise for old crocks .
My friends have have cancelled for tomorrow ..shame as I was looking forward to seeing them but she's ill in bed with some sort of fluey thing .
At least I can postpone dashing about like a blue bumbed fly for now.

Yes I watched Granchester's really good .
Have you read the books Woofy? ..I think you would like them .

I haven't but have just been kindle shopping, thank you
I am currently reading this, its very good, not an exact copy of Agatha Christie but none the worse for that User Recommendation
That looks good Woofy .I'll put it on my list .
I'm reading an omnibus of Alan Furst atm .A bargain I picked up on Amazon for 18p plus postage .When it arrived I was well chuffed,I don't think it had ever been read.
He writes spy novels set around the second world war ,not everyones cup of tea ,but he manages to bring a bit of romance and atmosphere to them.
They did one of his on tv recently with David Tennant ,Spies of Warsaw.It was really good.
Forgot to add I always thought that Robert Runcie seemed like a sensible going to look for Alan Furst :)
There are another couple of authors I enjoyed reading recently Woofy who write spy type/war novels .Philip Kerr ( Bernie Gunther series) and David Downing.You have to read them in order though .The "Station" books by David Downing are really good.
Good morning, oh dear had an extremely "jolly" night out, and feel rather tired this morning. Sisters last day which is just as well I think!

Hope you are all feeling well.

Be back later, the temps have dropped remarkably and suddenly thank heavens!!!
Hi all. Hope you are all ok. I'm having a busy week but keeping up with your posts. Hope your Mr S blood test is ok Shaney. And everyone else is keeping ok.
I'm at the hairdressers and school today then tomorrow I'm doing a long walk as long as it's not scything down.
Friday is a catch up on the house.
I can't remember if I've told you but Saturday would have been our Dads 100th birthday and the 4 of us and his sister and her husband (Nearly 90) are meeting for lunch to have a chat. I expect it'll be a lot of reminiscing.
Have a good day. Laters gaters.
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d'oh, everytime I come on here in a morning someone rings me and I forget what I was going to waffle on about...

Morning all...damp but calmer and supposed to be milder, I haven't been outside yet.
Lovely pic neti, you both look very chilled....or were you under the influence?

Well done shaney, stay as fit as you can. Hope Mr S is ok.
Sheila hancock was promoting her new novel, itseemed like it might appeal to biddy types :)

Enjoy your get together Jude. I can't believe my mum's been gone almost 14 years and brother 6 years. Where does the time go?
Hello all
It's a bright day ,bit on the chilly side though.Hope you're all fine and dandy
I've put that book on my wish list at the library Robinia .I like Sheila ,she was really good as Amanda Redmans grumpy Mum in New Tricks .
Have a nice time with your family Jude .Time does fly .3rd Nov will be 110 years since my Dad was born.
Its been grey and wet all day here. We went out for a drive and did some pottering. Bit of a nothing day really.
Evening all, just had sisters up for last supper, maccaronis again (their request) bread and alioli, salad, followed by ice cream cake. I am shattered, this is when I need my dishwasher indoors. Getting cooler bit by bit.

They have paid for a year's subscription for Mr N to play golf again, did it without his knowledge as he wouldn't accept, he was so pleased but embarrassed but looking forward to pottering round the course tomorrow practising as it's been 10 months since he last played.

Am in bed waiting for corrie on +1 as missed it earlier, am so upset that Our Zoo has finished.
haha, I wonder who gave them the idea to get Mr N out of the house then?
Neti that is the best kind of gift, both in what they gave and how they gave it. I think your family are lovely.
just waiting for Windows to download a million updates then I may go to bed. Went to Sherlock Holmes and Rembrandt exhibitions on Tuesday and William Morris yesterday but today I sleep in (well, wouldn't that be nice).
incidentally, I'm sure no sober biddies could care less, but Tescos are doing a litre of Baileys for £12
Good morning all. Wow Jno. Tescos here I come!
Before and after pics of Judes visit to Tescos .
Morning all
Dull,damp and dreary .I got up intending to go and collect my click but cba .
Mr S has kindly gone to get it for me .
Hope you're all ok .
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there goes Jude, burnin' that price she'll be able to have it on her weetipops :)

Morning all, dull, dull, dull here, I hate this gloom. My sleep pattern's gone from fall asleep early, wake early, to stay awake 'til late, sleep late.

Neti who's more pleased about Mr N's golf, you or him? :) Hope he enjoys it.

The Ozzies have moved to a new house, ultra modern, open plan and very white, bit with their shade of suntan I don't suppose they'll disappear into the wall as I would. It's the total opposite to the Tarquins very old grey stone place in the country(ish). I got two numbers on the lotto....I'm not movin' anywhere :(
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lol snuck in there :)
Good morning all. We have a strange bright light in the sky here. I wonder what it can be. I spent yesterday pulling the kitchen out then got fed up and left it. Now I wish i hadn't....heigh ho!

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