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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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right, I think that's enough Bailey's to keep me going until 2023. I even got a bottle of Orange Truffle Bailey's, just out of curiosity.
that sounds nice Jno. I am on 24 hours more of abstinence but i have got GU chocolate milk and salted caramel milk to tide me over. The kitchen is halfway back to normal.
Afternoon all, took sisters back to airport this morning, they have sinced phoned and arrived home alright! Mr N and I had a brekkie and I bought a casserole pot and some electric candles which I love, they even flicker!! Mr N shot off to golf, he is so pleased. I have met two different groups for coffee, bought 2 pairs of pumps and a pair of short chunky black boots, along with the furry lined trainers and a pair of slouch boots earlier this week. Have now spring cleaned the house, but getting tired.

Bailey's or any alcohol does not excite me in the least atm! Too much of a good thing WAS wonderful, but......................
not so sure about the orange truffle thing, it has a slightly metallic taste.

Oh well, less than a litre to go.
struggle on courageously Jno! I have cleared the kitchen and removed the debris. Only one cupboard left to go!
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After a grim start we got the bright light in the sky too, it's been mild and lovely. Friend's OH mowed for me, more leaves than grass, so for 24 hrs it'll look tidy.

Bailey's is yuk but I have quite fancied a tot of brandy lately, I'll see if they'll serve me with some at the offy. :)

Have a rest neti by candlelight, you're making me tired.

Are you all watching The Great Fire later? ITV 9pm. They've spent a lot of money making it.
hoping for a quiet day tomorrow, OH is having an angiogram that may lead to a stent being inserted, so I shall be sitting by the chauffeur's extension waiting for a call.
I hope it all goes well Jno .Fingers crossed for your OH and you x
It got out quite nice here too after the gloomy start .
Yes I'm going to watch Robinia .It's got a good cast .
Good luck jno's OH, I will be very quiet. Sister's step daughter has just had a triple heart bypass, she's only 50, seems to be OK though!

Lovely. eat-what-you-like here at neti villas tonight, I had poached egg on chs on tst, it was delightful, Mr N, stoic fellow that he is, finished up the macaronis. Now bathed and in a clean bed waiting for Eastenders!

Hope you all have a nice quiet night and Jude not too much of the old Bailey's, you'll be creating havoc manaña and jno wants quiet! xx
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Good luck to your OH for tomorrow jno, hope it's soon over.

You won't have any noise from me, I'll be online shopping. I've left it a bit late to knit you all a xmas jumper so I'm ordering designer ones for you...I just need your sizes please, I bet you can't wait...;ffref=lp_8_
Will be thinking of you both Jno. Sitting by the phone is blooming hard.
haha Robi that looks like something I've had a go at !!!
Hope all goes well for your OH Jno. I forgot to go for the Baileys today.
I was on a 6 mile walk with my walking Friend. We met in a village called Duffield then walked up hill and down Derbyshire Dale past 2 villages, Holbrook and Little Eaton. We did a figure of eight and ended up back in Duffield. The weather was lovely. Had to take my jumper off it was so warm. On the top of the hills was a lovely breeze. Couldn't believe we were in October.
I think you deserve a rest Neti after looking after your sisters.
I'm looking forward to my decorator coming to see me tomorrow to sort out when he is coming to do my back bedroom at last.
Still have to catch up with the cleaning though .
Going to watch the fire tonight. Have no idea what it is I just thought if you all were going to watch it then it must be worth while. Off now to read all about it.
Have a good night all. See ya later!
I don't actually fancy The Fire...
I have deputised OH to tell me what the Fire is like. I haven't watched telly drama since I don't know when - I think Fortunes of War might have been the last one - but working irregular shift hours meant there was no point getting all involved in characters and then missing them for the next two weeks. Of course it's different now with catch-up channels and iPlayers and recording, but as with sleeping hours I've never re-adapted to proper civilian life.

I might sit down and watch Brian Cox on the hard drive though, I enjoyed the first episode from spearheads to space probes.
oh, that looks a bit parky for winter, Robi, all those air vents for the snow to get in. No wonder it's distressed, I would be.
I like that sweater but not the colour or the price.
Sorry but I gave up on The Fire when the first adverts came on.
I don't believe that jumper. Surely nobody would buy one?
Ooh I thought it was good .Daniel Mays, brilliant as Pepys .Popish plots,spies and the merry monarch ,right up my street .
They should make these things in two hour installments though .They've chopped Lewis into one hour progs and by the time it rolls round the following week I've forgotten what's happened .
Lol,at the jumper ..Get laddering your knitwear girls ,we could make a couple of bob :)
OH's verdict was "meh" so maybe I won't bother.

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