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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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Good morning bright young things! Where are you all?
I'm bright and breezy this morning and we are going out for the day.

Terrific night last night, it was for 3 charities but I have no idea what ones, and we weren't being begged at every turn, only saw one young girl with a bucket collecting cash. There was no entry fee or anything, the stall holders of food and drink paid for their pitch and that went to the charities, but the profit people made was theirs, all very well run.
R.I.P. Jackie Collins.
I suppose you've all heard that the Shiek of Dubai's son died yesterday aged 34 of a heart attack, buried the same day (a bit like here) Hija says 3 days of mourning, so no music in the restaurants. She and her friend had to wear flamenco dress, but their dancing was cancelled anyway as no licence, so she just mingled with the diners taking and having photos taken with them, chatted to a lonely old man (what was he doing there anyway?) but then he started on UK politics of which she has not the slightest interest, so she excused herself and disappeared.
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Morning all
Not bad out there ,brightening up.Sounds as if you had a good time Neti and congrats on your new washer . Must have been hard work with all those bowls and buckets.
I'm sure I saw Jackie Collins only very recently on the One Show and she looked very glam.
It's just a jumper Robinia but I didn't realise the rib is cabled and have already messed it up and had to pull it out and start again .When I finish it in 2020 I'll post a picture :)
Downton's back tonight .Hope you're all ok .
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It was on our local news Neti .Probably because he had connections to the racing at Newmarket.
I went to school in Newmarket, lived in a little village called Dedham, it was cute, but guess it's bigger now.

Hija will be here in one week! She has dropped her phone yet again, so my old one (March 2015) will be going back with her!
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The answer to a crossword clue today has given me an ear worm and I don't see why I should suffer in silence. Altogether now !
Oh don't start earworms please, mine's been Smoke on the Water, ever since last night, and it wasn't even played then!!

Had a lovely trip to San Antonio, and then a lunch at a tourist caff, but was surprisingly good. I had prawn dhansak and pilau rice, no idea why but it was delicious! Mr N had to obligatory hamburger and chips! It's been a lovely weekend, just had a swim in pool, it is so cold and refreshing, now having my Sunday lie in in bed watching tv and messing on computer.
Hope your days have been good too everyone.
Afternoon all or few
It's been a nice day, cloudy now, shame I haven't felt like doing anything. Missing fine days really p's me off but at least it was pleasant to look at. I'm not going to say I'm better because I just don't know. For a while I am and then I'm down again. And just to add to the fun my insides decided to rebel. Hopefully it was a one off.

Youve been very busy neti, I wish I had your digestion.

It's ok shaney, I love that song...could have been that hellish Let it Go. Oh no, I've said it now! I've got a knitting worm, I keep seeing patterns and yarn wriggling in front of me. :)
I was so sorry to hear about Jackie C. Her books weren't my thing, I tried a couple, but I loved her as an interviewee, very funny and entertaining, never a dull moment. I thoroughly admire the quiet and dignified way she dealt with it.
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She was lovely on The One Show Robinia.I never realised she was so ill because she looked great.
It's been a lovely afternoon here but clouded up now .I did a bit of half hearted snipping at the front.The spirit is willing but my back is weak and my hips have had it.
Have you tried Metatone Robinia ? I was up and down after that virus and it did help to buck me up a bit .I might have a swig later actually
Ooh I love metatone, I could stick a straw in the bottle and drink it. I first had it in my teens, prescribed by the gp. I'd been feeling lousy and my mum went with me and had a word on her own after I'd talked to him but she wouldn't say why. He said I was probably run down, doing too much etc. Anyway it perked me up but i think I was actually a bit depressed. No support/counselling in those days, you didn't even talk about it.
Off for an xray tomorrow for my sinuses.
Downton in a few mins.
Well what can I say. I've had a great weekend and feel heaps better. Rounded off this afternoon and evening at my nephew David's barbecue for his son's 18 birthday. There were lots of friends and family there and a -
Continued:- good time was had by all. Sorry I pressed the wrong key.Your weekend sounds A good one too Neti.
Shaney I have to show off I managed all the puzzles except the cryptic crossword in the paper today. I really must be feeling better thank goodness.

I have never read any of Jackie Collins books but it was sad to hear that she had that horrible di I have never read any of Jackie Collins books but it was sad to hear about her death of that terrible disease.

Off to bed now tomorrow's match to look forward too. Goodnight all.
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Well done on the crossies Jude .Sure sign you feel better.
Downton was good . "Is it cold up there on the moral high ground?"..said Violet to Isobel I'm saving that one for a bashing day.
Night all.

This is the first year this plant has had 33 flowers and buds on at all one time.
Playing about at 2 in the morning as I can't sleep.
Morning ...what an abysmal one, dark and piddling down, there'll be no fresh air for me.

That's a pretty plant Jude, I had one of those once...for a short time. I'm not good with houseplants and since the arrival of the eevils I'm only left with an orchid. Hopefully that isn't to their taste. Sorry you weren't sleeping, I made about 5 hrs and then another hour or so drifting in and out.

lol shaney, that made me laugh, I might add it to my list too. The coarser version I've had tucked away for years involves a sore 'backside' and a high horse, haha. (It's for someone in particular should the occasion ever arise. I'd have to be really incensed in front of a lot of people to use it, far better to let karma get them back in time, as it will. :) )
my Dad used to grow those Jude but I can't. Tis raining here. Again.
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Hello all
Dreary day .Raining .What's new .Apparently on the 2nd Oct it's going to reach the dizzy heights of 22C but I won't be holding my breath.
Nice plant Jude .I'm useless with houseplants.They shriek as I bring them in the door "we've come here to die" so I haven't got any these days .
I used to be alright with them but not in this house for some reason.

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