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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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Yes Robi please get the Dr to see you. I wish I had done so sooner.
Also if you want anything fetching you know my number.

I really enjoyed An inspector Calls. I wasn't expecting too but I had to watch til the end.
Out for lunch today with my two sisters and a cousin and his partner and a second cousin. We meet up every year when they come up from Canterbury for a break in Ashbourne where they go cycling. I think they're not too keen on the rain today.
My quiz programme night tonight U.C. And Only Connect.

Have a good night all.
Doesn't Audrey look ill in Corrie, all thin and colourless, has/is she ill??
You've lost me Neti I really haven't watched any soaps since about 1980 - honestly!
I only started in 2000's didn't have UK tv until then.
Good morning, Mr n has been trying to solve the leccy problem with my logic, hopefully its done, can use washing machine now!
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Morning all
Dull and chilly.That's good Neti.I dread washing machine breakdowns.Mine is still chugging along (touch wood ) but it's getting on a bit now.
UC was good Jude .I like quizzy Mondays too and the team from Imperial were brilliant .
Hopefully you're both feeling a bit better today, Robinia and Jno ?
touch wood my cold is in retreat and I'm barely even coughing, thank you, shaney. This is so unusual that it'll probably realise it's made a mistake and start again tomorrow. Pretty drab day here so I'll probably just mooch around the house.
hello all. We had bad weather again all last night and storm and gale warnings for most of tomorrow. fed up with it now.
I don't usually mind the weather but I am doing now. Some sunshine days wild be a tonic I'm sure! I don't mean sizzling.mjust pleasant.
I'm going to school now to have a chat to the teacher and meet the new class. Usuall I have them for 2 years but it's going to be a first year set today apparently..
I hope you can work out what I meant to say cos I can't!!
Afternoon's been a brighter afternoon after a miz start.
I think I might have turned the corner, fingers crossed (my legs have been crossed for this past week with the coughing). I had 6 hrs sleep last night, admittedly it was 3 hrs on, 3 off, 3 on again, but it makes a difference. My head feels much looser now know what I mean. So I'll see what the next 24 hrs brings, hopefully a recovery. I'm pleased you're on the winning side jno, this is much too early to be getting run down from viruses, it makes the rest of the winter a hard slog.
You're right Jude, more warm, dry sunny days are just what we nee. Hope you get on alright at the germ factory....haha, sorry, but that's how I see schools & colleges, you're a brave woman. :)

Neti, Audrey's always been lean, but she did look a bit gaunt last night.
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Pleased to hear you're on the mend Robinia and you too Jno.
I was going to put a thread up for you both in CB :)
Take it easy though or it may come back with a vengeance like mine did:(
I know one thing for sure is that I won't be having that flu jab this year.
Lol shaney, be careful not to mention home visits out there, you don't want el médico residente up in arms. :)
We don't get home visits here, we have to slog out however ill we are, or bleeding to death.

Shaney I've never had the flu jab, and hope I never will. I think I'm off the radar as they do not text me to go and get it! I get bronchitis and pneumonia and it doesn't sort that out does it?
glad to hear that the sick contingent are feeling better. Neti flu jabs make it less likely that you will get bronchitis or pneumonia. Last years vaccine cocktail prediction failed miserably, normally they do better.
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It sure did fail Woofy .The one and only time I had the jab and ended up with a full cocktail of god knows what it was .Whatever it was I don't want it again....ever!
I used to get one or two bad colds - real weeks-long stinkers - every winter till I started the flu jabs. Since then it's maybe one every two or three years. I know there's no immunological reason why this should happen, but I bless the day.
I had the worst cold of my life last winter (the ventolin episode) but it wasn't flu. The virusses that were around last year were particularly nasty but the flu vac cannot give you a cold, a chest infection or flu.
having said that. i would never argue that anyone should have any medical treatment that they don't want!
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Might have been coincidence that I got that awful virus thing just after I had the jab but I hadn't had a full blown cold of any sort for years. We used to get lots of colds when we lived in London but since we've been here hardly a sniffle.I suppose I put two and two together and came up with three.
Night all.

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