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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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I don't have a mobile, neti, too deaf. Rather chilly morning here, the Indians will be staying in their wigwams counting their wampum.
Good morning all. Jno I rarely use my mobile as a phone, I text and email on it and share photos. Its sunday so i am allowed to loll about, that's my excuse anyway. have a good day all.
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Morning all
Nice and bright so far but rain in 92 mins.Hope the snifflers are feeling better .
I've never heard of whatsup either.I only use my phone for the odd text and very short phone call.It's payg and I only top it up about twice a year.
Morning...ish. I don't care about the weather so no report today.
I'm allowed to loll about cos I have man flu at the very least. I'd like to find the man who passed it on and stick it back up his 'flu'. Had a lousy night. :( I see colds move on a lot faster dahn sarf, what's your secret jno?

My mobi is very primitive and that's the way I like it. When they invent one with an app for miracle cures I'll upgrade.

Snap woofy, we are having a duvet day without the duvet, cba to get dressed to go out for lunch so are nibbling throughout the day, am loving it.

Jno I rarely hear my mobile phone either but as woofy says it texting, and FB and Answerbank and all sorts that I use it for. Even watch UK TV on it sometimes.

Much cooler today although I am not outside. Getting some really big mossie bites this year, they don't just disappear and they itch and get sore.

Just eaten radishes and clover, some crispy bites, and 2 straw/cream biscuits and cola. ????
Shaney it's WhatsApp! the youth of today will never forgive you !!
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Lol Neti .I've got a new phone .Well,not new as such but new to me .
When Picky upgraded he gave me his old one .
It's an HTC Wildfire if that makes sense .I don't use the internet or email on it. My old Samsung was much easier to use but he was kind enough to give it to me so I have to use it.It's got more bells and whistles on it than daisy the cow and I have no idea how to use them all.It lives in my handbag and is hardly used really.The last time I used it was to phone a taxi to come home from the hairdressers when I was in ache mode.
Shaney my first smartphone was an HTC wildfire, they are ok, but a bit small. Great for whatsapp!!!! Still have it but have upgraded slightly. Hija has bought my new Samsung and sent me photos of it. Can't wait. She has smashed her screen (like mother, like daughter!) So she may take this one back, Samsung Grande neo. New last March!
Hi all. Sorry to read some of you aren't feeling up to scratch cos of coughs and colds when I can only say I'm feeling so much better. Still a bit slow walking but I'll get back to it soon. Had a brilliant musical time on Saturday. In the afternoon I went to see Tommy Steele in The Glen Miller Story at The Mayflower Theatre in Southampton then back to my friends for a night watching The Last Night of the Proms. It all really cheered me up. Brilliant day.
I still have to go for another xray next week but I think I'm on the mend now.
watching Priestley's stage play BBC1 Not my usual type of play but think it could be quite entertaining.
Have a good night everyone and thanks for all your kind comments. See ya later and have a good night.
glad to hear your'e gallivanting again, Jude. My own galli has lost a bit of its vant at the moment.
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Neti,I have fat fingers with that phone and have to use a dibber to write a text or tap out a number.I'm a lost cause with techno stuff .
Nice to see you're on the up Jude .Hope your x ray result is all clear.Take care.
I watched An Inspector Calls , it was very good.
Night all.
hello all, glad you are on the up Jude, come on Robi! I wasan'r sure about An Inspector calls...who was the Inspector?
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His name is Goole Woofy a play on the word Ghoul.
He's a harbinger of doom a bit like the ghost in Scrooge of Christmas yet to come.It's a sort of morality story.
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Hello all
Damp day ,raining on and off with the odd flash of sunshine just to get your hopes up 'til the next shower .Don't think I'll be jogging along the seafront today.
Hope the poorlies feel better.I seem to be permanently poorly so I don't know if I feel better or not
Afternoon, abysmal day. Not that it makes much difference to me, I can honestly say this is the worst cold I've had for years. 1 hr sleep last night, coughing til I choked. My temp shot up about teatime and I went to bed at half past six, that's not me. I've had flu and this isn't far from it. Winter's come early. :(

Sorry I've nothing cheerful to report.
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Robinia if it gets worse call the doctor out.That's how I was if you remember last Christmas,coughing until I couldn't get my breath and I had to have the doctor come in as I felt so ill and he gave me an inhaler and hefty antibiotics but it dragged on for weeks.Nip it in the bud now.Take care.
Yes shaney I do remember and I will do something if I feel myself slipping. I don't know where I picked it up, no one has been here with a cold, but I vaguely recall someone in a shop queue coughing behind me. The night's are long when you're ill and it's so dark in the morning now. Oh buffer it.
I am thinking its mexico time too Robi. Its too early in the winter to be so ill. I know what you mean about being ill in the dark, I was another one who had it badly last winter and ended up needing ventolin.
We had the weather last night, stayed up till 2.30am and were up again at 5 am 6am and finally for good at 8 am. The housework can do itself today.
Good day folks, yes Robi get to the mexico, I had that a couple of years ago, no joke!

Did 2 lots of washing by hand, it'll be ok said Mr N as he went out the doot, bang it went, so I had to let all the water flow out and then wash the clothes. Kitchen smelled of cat pee, so Have stripped it and cleaned everywhere, damn cat.

Made fish pie, had a swim, pool needs cleaning but as I have switched some of the leccy off, the pool is off too, so I swam amid the debris, one leaf, one gnat and some floaty things. I'm still alive! Just having a cuppa now.
that sounds nasty, Robinia. I've been swigging Night Nurse, which helps me sleep through, and added a couple of extra pillows so I'm slightly propped up.

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