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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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On the coach to the old a Roman town of St Albans and it's not raining yet. But I bet it will be....
Morning all, hope you are feeling better Robi.

Been to mexico ( it was a right hippie locum, all hair and beard, I was a tad surprised considering that doctor rides a motorbike and has a ponytail!) anyway he reckons my runny swollen eye may be sinuses, it's working overtime at,! so am having a head xray on Monday, so Woofy could it be you think, as it's obviously not the cyst or tooth anymore?? Just want to get it sorted, I mean it's not life threatening but am fed up sitting in town and the eye is all puffy and dripping and nostril sniffing.

Used the washing machine and all ok but I didn't have the tv on as was too scared. wimp!!
it's pouring down my way, Jude, has been for hours. It's heading NE so it'll probably be drenching St Albans for a while after it's given up on me. Keep your brolly up!

That sounds promising, neti...
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Hello all
Sloshing it down here too.
Hope you've got your pac a mac and a brolly Jude .
I've been out with my SiL and her sister to visit a friend ,good job my brother took us there and picked us up to come home or we would have been drenched.Nice to get out though and have a natter and cake !
Hope you're all ok and that those nasty colds are easing off.
Sorry jno, what's that all about?
now where did that go?

I'll try again
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Lol.. Jno.
Poor Neti.That sounds miserable. Perhaps after the cyst business your sinuses might need draining.Do they do that these days ? I had mine drained way back when and had tubes stuck up me nose .I suffered with chronic catarrh and blocked sinuses as a child and I was about 14 when they did it in spite of having my tonsils and adenoids removed previous to that.
It's still sloshing down here little or much.I read some headline this morning on the news where they say we're in for a very bad winter of -20C and there will be food shortages .Load of old tosh .It's just a ploy to get people to buy more cuppa soup :)
Night all.
OooNeti that sounds very uncomfortable. Hope it gets sorted very soon.

You were dead right Jno and Shaney it rained quite a lot in fact most of the day but it didn't stop us enjoying our ourselves. Pleased I was prepared. I have never been before and wouldn't mind going again as we weren't able to see all I would have liked.
I'm going to have a couple of days just pottering about. Looking forward to going for a walk next week. A flat one along The Cromford Canal. Not a long one more of a stroll with my walking friend to,see how I do.
Robi hope you are feeling a lot better now.
I'm still awake and I hope you're all fast asleep and are reading this after a good night.

Hello all, sis arrived safely despite the awful weather. Its a lovely day here today, hope it is with you all too.
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Morning all
Drab day here so far but not raining ...yet.Had enough rain yesterday.
Have a nice time with your sister Woofy.I expect you'll be doing some shopping :)
Morning or not, how are you all, lovely weather here now, bearable and not so sweaty, although loads of flies. Damned leccy went again, just leaving all the sodden clothes in the machine, just haven't got the energy today!

Hi woofy's sis, have a great time you too!
stayed in despite good weather as dry rot man was coming round to advise. Seems we'll have to saw off several fitted bookshelves and remove some laminate flooring so they can get at the (possibly) infected bits :-(

Lord, what a hassle, and to say nothing of the cost.
oh dear Jno, and you can't not do it can you? Busy day here and another one tomorrow, oight oight all
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That sounds like a lot of aggro Jno and a lot of money but you'll have to have it done I suppose .Was this to do with the mushrooms ?
We had a burst of sunshine today ,for about half an hour, otherwise it's been dull and chilly.On the bright side though it didn't rain.Hallelujah!
My wool and pattern arrived ready for my latest knitting project but I haven't got long enough needles .I'm sure the last time I knitted a similar jumper I didn't have so many stitches ,I must have grown sideways a bit :)
Night all.
Good morning all.

I fancy egg and bacon so am getting up to cook it.

We had dry rot in one of the very old door frames, and Mr N sorted it last year, he removed the affected wood and replaced it, looks good and can't see the join.
Hope Robi is feeling better.
I wish my fingers weren't so fumbley as I would like to knit something (legwarmers are all I can manage atm) although I was never a good knitter and anything like a jumper would be impossible.) Will just have to keep buying new ones!!

Right am off to cook my brekkie, yay!!
been to the mexico, my blood test was fine, my Vitamin D is excellent, my cholesterol is a thing of great beauty, and all I need to do is unzippanother banana every day..
Morning all..I'm still up and down, its the damned snotty cough that's wearing me out. Everytime I think I'm getting over it it's back. I really would rather avoid antibiotics. My friend's bringing me some benylin later (yuk), apart from Buttercup syrup I hate all cold & cough remedies.
Please send energy and bananas.
I have 2 bottles of Buttercup since Robi recommended it.
Hi all. Was going to mo the grass but it has just started pouring. So that's put an and to that.
Robi I hadn't taken antibis for years and when I did they sent me very low is that what you feel like if you take them or was it just me being a mard. Buttercup syrup was our favourite when the kids were little.
Have a good time with your Sis Woofy and hope the weather gets brighter
Hope you're feeling better Neti. I have an X-ray Tuesday a.m. Hoping all is ok now with my chest.
I was a big knitter Shaney. Jumpers cardigans gloves all sorts. Not any more though. I did have a session of knitting very small baby clothes for the Prem unit at the Royal. Maybe some more in the winter.
I don't envy you Jno. I wouldn't know where to start if I found dry rot. I wouldn't know what it looks like.
I used to fancy eggs and bacon every day when I was pregnant. I still enjoy bacon but not every day and eggs I can only eat as and omelette.
Well that's it I that the grass will get cut today. Looks like an ironing day.
Hope you all have a good weekend with aches and pains on the mend. I have a nieces football match in the morning and a barbecue on Sunday fingers crossed for the weather.
Laters 'gaters
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hello all
It's been a lovely morning but dulled up now ,rain on the way by the look of it. Went into town ,got needles and one or two other odds and ends .Still lots of grockles about but mostly elderly people on the cheap late season breaks.I probably get mistaken for a grockle as I dodder along

Sorry to hear you're still under the weather Robinia .Perhaps the Benyln will do the trick .You need something to shift it. It was a bgr to get rid of.
Well done Jno ,at least one of us is fit .

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